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Created February 14, 2023 05:16
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Format TradingView Financials data for compatibility with LibreOffice Calc.
# This script is designed to be used with TextPieces
# Argument 1: Base (K/M/B/T)
# Argument 2: Base Format ({n} = number; {b} = base)
import sys, re
from decimal import Decimal
diff_pattern = re.compile(r'[\+\-−][0-9\.]+%')
date_pattern = re.compile(r'[0-9]{4}|(TTM)|(Current)')
number_pattern = re.compile(r'[\—\-0-9\.]+[KMBT]?')
d = {
'K': 3,
'M': 6,
'B': 9,
'T': 12,
def parse_number(text):
if text == "—":
return "*"
if text[-1] in d:
num, magnitude = text[:-1], text[-1]
return int(Decimal(num) * 10 ** d[magnitude])
return float(Decimal(text))
def to_base(number, b=None, b_fmt="{n}{b}"):
if b is None or type(number) is not int:
return str(number)
elif type(number) is int and abs(number) >= 100:
return b_fmt \
.replace("{n}", str(number / 10 ** d[base])) \
.replace("{b}", base)
def is_header(line):
return date_pattern.match(line.strip())
def is_number(line):
return number_pattern.match(line.strip())
base = None
base_fmt = "{n}{b}"
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
base = sys.argv[1].strip()
if base == "":
base = None
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
base_fmt = sys.argv[2].strip()
if base_fmt == "":
base_fmt = "{n}{b}"
data =
lines = [x for x in data.split('\n') if not diff_pattern.match(x)]
headers = ["Years"]
rows = []
row = -1
for line in lines:
line_fixed = line \
.strip() \
.replace("\u202a", "") \
.replace("\u202c", "") \
.replace("−", "-")
if is_header(line_fixed):
elif is_number(line_fixed) and len(rows[-1]) > 0:
rows[row].append(to_base(parse_number(line_fixed), base, base_fmt))
row += 1
result = "\t".join(headers) + "\n"
result += "\n".join(["\t".join(r) for r in rows])
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