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Created September 6, 2010 07:32
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Rakefile (shoulda + rcov)
## add this to test/test_helper.rb
require 'shoulda/rails'
## add this to Rakefile
require 'shoulda/tasks'
namespace :test do
desc 'Measures test coverage'
task :coverage do
rm_f "coverage"
rm_f ""
rcov = "rcov -Itest --rails --aggregate -T -x \" rubygems/*,/Library/Ruby/Site/*,gems/*,rcov*\""
system("#{rcov} --no-html test/unit/*_test.rb test/unit/helpers/*_test.rb")
system("#{rcov} --no-html test/functional/*_test.rb")
system("#{rcov} --html test/integration/*_test.rb") unless Dir.glob("test/integration/*_test.rb").empty?
system("open coverage/index.html") if PLATFORM['darwin']
## usage
rake test:coverage
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