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Last active July 19, 2017 13:20
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GodotTemplate - for creating run-time/design-time scripts dynamically
# Class: CreateEnemyButton
# Author: willnationsdev
# License: MIT
# Description: This class demonstrations a sample use-case for the Template class.
# A button which triggers the creation of enemy scripts when pressed.
# Godot Version: 3.0 pre-alpha
extends Button
signal script_generated(file, parameters)
var Template = preload("res://path/to/")
var template_path = "res://scripts/templates/enemies/"
var generation_directory = "res://scripts/generated/enemies/"
var extension = ".gd"
var template_parameters = {
BASE_TYPE = "Enemy",
BASE_PATH = "res://scripts/"
func _ready():
connect("pressed", self, "_on_pressed")
func _on_pressed():
var name = get_node("../enemy_label").get_text()
template_parameters["DERIVED_TYPE"] = name
var created_file = Template.generate(template_path, generation_directory + name + extension, template_parameters)
emit_signal("script_generated", created_file, template_parameters)
# Class: Template
# Author: willnationsdev
# License: MIT
# Description: Provides utility methods for generating code at run-time / design-time from templates.
# Godot Version: 3.0 pre-alpha
extends Reference
enum {
TEMPLATE_ERROR_BAD_TEMPLATE_PATH = 1, # Unable to open template file at the given template filepath.
TEMPLATE_ERROR_BAD_DESTINATION_PATH = 2 # Unable to create file at the given new filepath.
static func generate(p_template_filepath, p_new_filepath = "res://new_file_" + str(randi()), p_template_parameters = {}):
# Initialize the files
var v_template_file =
var v_new_file =
# Validation: Unable to open template file at the given template filepath.
if, v_new_file.READ) != OK:
print(p_template_filepath + " could not be opened")
# Validation: Unable to create file at the given new filepath.
if, v_new_file.WRITE) != OK:
print(p_new_filepath + " could not be created or overwritten")
# Get the template content
var v_content = v_template_file.get_as_text()
# For each expression...
for i_expression in p_template_parameters:
# Replace all instances of the template keys with their values
v_content = v_content.replace(i_expression, p_template_parameters[i_expression])
# Re-insert all of the content into the new file
# Return the new file
return v_new_file
extends "BASE_PATH"
var BASE_TYPE = preload("BASE_PATH")
func _ready():
func get_name():
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