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Created October 1, 2019 01:52
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import time
import ndsi # Main requirement
GAZE_TYPE = "gaze" # Type of sensors that we are interested in
SENSORS = {} # Will store connected sensors
def main():
# Start auto-discovery of Pupil Invisible Companion devices
network = ndsi.Network(formats={ndsi.DataFormat.V4}, callbacks=(on_network_event,))
# Event loop, runs until interrupted
while network.running:
# Check for recently connected/disconnected devices
if network.has_events:
# Iterate over all connected devices
for gaze_sensor in SENSORS.values():
# Fetch recent sensor configuration changes,
# required for pyndsi internals
while gaze_sensor.has_notifications:
# Fetch recent gaze data
for gaze in gaze_sensor.fetch_data():
# Output: GazeValue(x, y, ts)
print(gaze_sensor, gaze)
# Catch interruption and disconnect gracefully
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
def on_network_event(network, event):
# Handle gaze sensor attachment
if event["subject"] == "attach" and event["sensor_type"] == GAZE_TYPE:
# Create new sensor, start data streaming,
# and request current configuration
sensor = network.sensor(event["sensor_uuid"])
sensor.set_control_value("streaming", True)
# Save sensor s.t. we can fetch data from it in main()
SENSORS[event["sensor_uuid"]] = sensor
print(f"Added sensor {sensor}...")
# Handle gaze sensor detachment
if event["subject"] == "detach" and event["sensor_uuid"] in SENSORS:
# Known sensor has disconnected, remove from list
del SENSORS[event["sensor_uuid"]]
print(f"Removed sensor {event['sensor_uuid']}...")
main() # Execute example
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