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Created June 20, 2019 19:29
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A brief overview of classic macro-evolutionary methods
# Packages
# Simulate phylogeny and some traits
tree <- sim.bdtree(n=100)
traits <- sim.char(tree, .01, nsim=7)[,1,]
# Fuss around to make a discrete character
traits[,7] <- as.numeric(traits[,7] > 1)
traits <-
names(traits) <- letters[seq_len(ncol(traits))]
traits$g <- ifelse(traits$g==1, "present", "absent")
# Make a object to house everything
# - I do this because you absolutely do not want to get your phylogeny and trait data out of alignment. I realise that it makes the code below look a little worse at times ($data$a instead of data$a), but is that really a big price to pay for being sure of your results?...
traits$species <- rownames(traits) <-, traits, species)
# Run a phylogenetic and a non-phylogenetic PCA
# - Notice we're dropping the seventh column, which is not numeric
pca <- prcomp($data[,-7], center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
p.pca <- phyl.pca($phy,$data[,-7], method="lambda")
#...Remember that absolute values don't matter here, but the relative
# loadings do (i.e., reversed signs of arrows don't matter, it's the
# correlations between traits that matter)
# Estimate phylogenetic signal in individual traits in lots of ways
white.noise <- fitContinuous($phy, setNames($data$a,rownames($data)), model="white") # (No signal)
brownian.motion <- fitContinuous($phy, setNames($data$a,rownames($data)), model="BM") # Random drift
pagel.lam <- fitContinuous($phy, setNames($data$a,rownames($data)), model="lambda") # As BM, but allows for intermediate between no signal and random <- fitContinuous($phy, setNames($data$a,rownames($data)), model="delta") # Change through time
pagel.kappa <- fitContinuous($phy, setNames($data$a,rownames($data)), model="kappa") # Adaptive radiation (requires good sampling to phylogeny)
orn.uhlen <- fitContinuous($phy, setNames($data$a,rownames($data)), model="OU") # Ornstein Uhlenbeck; could be adpative evolution, or could be constraint
early.burst <- fitContinuous($phy, setNames($data$a,rownames($data)), model="EB") # Sort of like a Delta
trend <- fitContinuous($phy, setNames($data$a,rownames($data)), model="trend") # Also sort of like a Delta...
#... you can look at the outputs yourself by typing their names
#... you can also extract the OPTimised model parameters like this
sort(setNames(sapply(list(white.noise, brownian.motion, pagel.lam,, pagel.kappa, orn.uhlen), function(x) x$opt$aic), c("white.noise", "brownian.motion", "pagel.lam", "", "pagel.kappa", "orn.uhlen")))
#...and use AIC to find the best-fitting model for your traits (lowest AIC value)
#...note that, here it's Brownian motion, because that's how I simulated the traits!
# Estimate signal in discrete traits
fitDiscrete(tree, setNames($data$g, rownames($data)), transform="lambda") you Pagel's Lambda (...or delta, or...) values to understand whether phylogeny matters
#...the Q matrix is the rate of transitions between states. You can fit more complex versions of this; check the help file (and check among them with AIC as above)
# Incorporating standard errors in trait estimates using fitContinuous and fitDiscrete <- runif(nrow($data))
fitContinuous($phy, setNames($data$a,rownames($data)), SE=setNames(,rownames($data)), model="BM")
#...remember that R has no SE function, so here is one: <- function(x) x / sqrt(length(x))
#...or something similar.
# Calculating Blomberg's K (and Pagel's Lambda) in phytools
# - because these aren't models, but rather metrics, fitContinuous won't do this for you
phylosig($phy,$data$a, "K", test=TRUE)
phylosig($phy,$data$a, "lambda",
# Use Fritz's D as essentially Pagel's Lambda but for binary traits
phylo.d(, binvar=g)
#...0 -- > BM, 1 --> random. Surprise, it's indistinguishable from BM (Felsenstein's threshold model) because... that's how I simulated it :D
# Advanced: multivariate models of trait evolution
#...this gives the rates of independent (diagonals) and correlated (off-diagonals) of traits. Complex, but fun to play with (and takes a while to fit!!!).
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