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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Alterar todos os IDs dos elementos de uma DIV
= f.input :nexts, label: false, collection: [ "Enviar para","Pergunta","Objetivo","Post","Tarefa","Tag" ], include_blank: false, prompt: "Selecione a Opção", :input_html => { :id => "first_select", :name => 'page[nexts][]' }
= f.input :nexts, label: false, collection: Question.order(:title), include_blank: false, prompt: "Selecione a pergunta", :input_html => { :id => "question_select", :name => 'page[nexts][]' }
= f.input :nexts, label: false, collection: Question.order(:title), as: :grouped_select, group_method: :answer_options, label_method: :content, value_method: :id, include_blank: false, prompt: "Selecione a Reposta", :input_html => { :id => "answer_option_select", :name => 'page[nexts][]' }
= f.input :nexts, label: false, collection: Page.order(:title), include_blank: false, prompt: "Selecione a página", :input_html => { :id => "next_select", :name => 'page[nexts][]' }
= link_to_add_fields '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Adicionar nova opção'.html_safe, f
# Script que renderiza os campos configurados
$(document).on 'click', 'form .add_fields', (event) ->
data = $(this).data('fields')
data2 = $(data).find('[id]').add(data).each ->
@id = @id + '_1'
# Método que monta a DIV com os campos
module PagesHelper
def link_to_add_fields(name, f)
id = f.object_id
fields = render "fields", f: f
link_to(name, '#', class: "add_fields btn btn-primary", data: {id: id, fields: fields.gsub("\n", "")})
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