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Created January 25, 2011 10:52
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Clojure Query Comprehension Macro
(ns query-comprehension
(:use clojure.contrib.prxml))
;; Enhanced List Comprehensions supporting arbitary group-by, filtering and ordering.
;; (from [ BINDING GENERATOR -- One or more Generator clauses
;; :when PREDICATE ] -- Zero or more Guards
;; :group-by [ EXPRESSION :into [KEY_NAME GROUP_NAME]] -- Optional Group-By qualifier
;; :having PREDICATE -- Optional Group Guard
;; :order-by EXPRESSION -- Optional Ordering qualifier
;; :select EXPRESSION) -- Projection
(defmacro step [m k f coll]
(if (contains? m k)
`(~f ~coll)
`(identity ~coll)))
(defn extract-row-spec
(let [row-spec
(vec (filter (fn [s] (and (not (keyword? s))
(not (= (symbol '_) s))))
(map first (partition 2 generators) )))]
(if (= 1 (count row-spec)) (first row-spec) row-spec)))
(defmacro assert-args [fnname & pairs]
`(do (when-not ~(first pairs)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
~(str fnname " requires " (second pairs)))))
~(let [more (nnext pairs)]
(when more
(list* `assert-args fnname more)))))
(defmacro from
"Executes each generator/guard in a sequence comprehension then each
post-comprehension qualifier step is applied in order. Each step has its first
argument transformed into a function of the row spec. The row spec is determined
from the named element of each generator."
[generators & steps]
(assert-args from
(vector? generators) "a vector for its binding"
(even? (count generators)) "an even number of forms in binding vector"
(even? (count steps)) "an even number of steps")
(let [m (into {} (map vec (partition 2 steps)))
row-spec (extract-row-spec generators)
group-expr (first (:group-by m))
group-spec (last (:group-by m))
final-spec (if group-spec group-spec row-spec)
having-expr (:having m)
order-by-expr (:order-by m)
select-expr (:select m)
`(->> (for ~generators ~row-spec)
(step ~m :group-by (partial group-by (fn [~row-spec] ~group-expr)))
(step ~m :having (partial filter (fn [~final-spec] ~having-expr)))
(step ~m :order-by (partial sort-by (fn [~final-spec] ~order-by-expr)))
(step ~m :select (partial map (fn [~final-spec] ~select-expr)))
(def orders [
{ :customer_id 1 :date "01/02/10" :product "Toaster" :price 10 }
{ :customer_id 2 :date "02/02/10" :product "Cappuccino" :price 2}
{ :customer_id 3 :date "01/02/10" :product "Cappuccino" :price 2}
{ :customer_id 3 :date "01/02/10" :product "Plastic Penguin" :price 5}
{ :customer_id 3 :date "03/02/10" :product "Emacs Manual" :price 20}])
(def customers [
{ :customer_id 1 :company "Google" :name "Eric"}
{ :customer_id 2 :company "Oracle" :name "Larry"}
{ :customer_id 3 :company "Microsoft" :name "Bill"}
{ :customer_id 4 :company "Apple" :name "Steve"}])
(from [o orders
c customers
:when (= (o :customer_id) (c :customer_id)) ]
:group-by [(c :name) :into [name g]]
:order-by name
:select [ :Customer {:name name}
(from [[o c] g]
:group-by [(o :date) :into [date g2]]
:select [ :Total {:date date}
(reduce + (from [[o c] g2]
:select (o :price) ))] )] )
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