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Created June 13, 2019 07:14
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Transforms the outputs from CPLEX into CSV
import os, sys, time
#if len(sys.argv) != 3:
# print '''Usage: {0}
# <input>
# <output>\n\n\n'''.format(sys.argv[0])
# sys.exit()
finput, foutput = sys.argv[1:]
# Section 1: Reading into memory, and possibly time-inefficient
#OUT = open(foutput,'w')
#with open(finput) as IN:
# lines = []
# t1 = time.time()
# for line in IN:
# if "<variable name=" in line:
# lst = line.strip().split()
# lines.append(lst)
#sortedList = sorted(lines)
#old = ''
#for each in sortedList:
# Assign the values after '=' in variable name= to the variable variableContents
# This involves replacing '"', and ')', and adding a ',' instead of '(', and then splitting at ','
# variableContents = each[1].replace('(',',').replace(")",'').replace('name=','').replace('"','').split(',')
# The contents of variableContents are then joined and saved as the variable 'variable'. This involves starting of with the 0th element and joining elements 1 to -1 (2nd last) between parentheses.
# variable = variableContents[0]+'('+','.join(variableContents[1:-1])+')'
# 'old' carries the name of the variable from the previous line. This enables printing each row in the input file into a column in the output file.
# if variable == old:
# OUT.write('\t{0}'.format(float(each[-2].replace('"','').split('=')[1])))
# else:
# OUT.write('\n{0}\t{1}'.format(variable, float(each[-2].replace('"','').split('=')[1])))
# print each
# old = variable
#t2 = time.time()
#print 'This process took ', (t2-t1)/60.0 , 'mins'
# Section 2: Attempt to make it time-efficient
def delete_key(d, k):
r = dict(d)
del r[k]
return r
OUT = open(foutput,'w')
with open(finput) as IN:
recordedVariables = []
lines = []
old = ''
remember = {}
for line in IN:
if "<variable name=" in line:
# Split at spaces
lst = line.strip().split()
# Assign the values after '=' in variable name= to the variable variableContents
# This involves replacing '"', and ')', and adding a ',' instead of '(', and then splitting at ','
variableContents = lst[1].replace('(',',').replace(")",'').replace('name=','').replace('"','').split(',')
# The contents of variableContents are then joined and saved as the variable 'variable'. This involves starting of with the 0th element and joining elements 1 to -1 (2nd last) between parentheses.
variable = variableContents[0]+'\t'+'\t'.join(variableContents[1:-1])
if variable not in recordedVariables:
if variable == old:
if len(lines) == 21:
sortedList = sorted(lines)
for each in sortedList:
#t2 = time.time()
#print old, ' took ', (t2-t1)/60.0 , 'mins'
lines = []
old = variable
elif len(lines) == 0:
t1 = time.time()
t0 = t1
old = variable
if variable in remember.keys():
for each in remember[variable]:
remember = delete_key(remember, variable)
if variable not in remember.keys():
remember[variable] = []
#print (len(remember.keys()))
for variable in remember.keys():
values = remember[variable]
sortedList = sorted(values)
for each in sortedList:
#t2 = time.time()
#print old, ' took ', (t2-t1)/60.0 , 'mins'
t3 = time.time()
print ("Process took ", (t3-t0)/60.0, ' mins')
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