Source: Jackett/Jackett#1576 (comment)
From the Jackett page, click the "add indexer" button so that the pop up window with the full list of indexers appears.
You'll then need to open your browser's development toolbar (in Chrome just hit F12) and go to the JavaScript Console and enter the following:
////hack to add all free indexers in Jackett
$(document).ready(function () {
function EnableAllUnconfiguredIndexersList() {
var UnconfiguredIndexersDialog = $($("#select-indexer").html());
var indexersTemplate = Handlebars.compile($("#unconfigured-indexer-table").html());
var indexersTable = $(indexersTemplate({ indexers: unconfiguredIndexers, total_unconfigured_indexers: unconfiguredIndexers.length }));
indexersTable.find('.indexer-setup').each(function (i, btn) {
var indexer = unconfiguredIndexers[i];
$(btn).click(function () {
$('#select-indexer-modal').modal('hide').on('', function (e) {
displayIndexerSetup(,, indexer.caps,, indexer.alternativesitelinks, indexer.description);
indexersTable.find('.indexer-add').each(function (i, btn) {
$('#select-indexer-modal').modal('hide').on('', function (e) {
var indexerId = $(btn).attr("data-id");
api.getIndexerConfig(indexerId, function (data) {
if (data.result !== undefined && data.result == "error") {
doNotify("Error: " + data.error, "danger", "glyphicon glyphicon-alert");
api.updateIndexerConfig(indexerId, data, function (data) {
if (data == undefined) {
doNotify("Successfully configured " + name, "success", "glyphicon glyphicon-ok");
} else if (data.result == "error") {
if (data.config) {
populateConfigItems(configForm, data.config);
doNotify("Configuration failed: " + data.error, "danger", "glyphicon glyphicon-alert");
}).fail(function (data) {
if(data.responseJSON.error !== undefined) {
doNotify("An error occured while configuring this indexer<br /><b>" + data.responseJSON.error + "</b><br /><i><a href=\"[" + indexerId + "] " + data.responseJSON.error + " (Config)\" target=\"_blank\">Click here to open an issue on GitHub for this indexer.</a><i>", "danger", "glyphicon glyphicon-alert", false);
} else {
doNotify("An error occured while configuring this indexer, is Jackett server running ?", "danger", "glyphicon glyphicon-alert");
"stateSave": true,
"fnStateSaveParams": function (oSettings, sValue) { = ""; // don't save the search filter content
return sValue;
"bAutoWidth": false,
"pageLength": -1,
"lengthMenu": [[10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, -1], [10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, "All"]],
"order": [[0, "asc"]],
"columnDefs": [
"name": "name",
"targets": 0,
"visible": true,
"searchable": true,
"orderable": true
"name": "description",
"targets": 1,
"visible": true,
"searchable": true,
"orderable": true
"name": "type",
"targets": 2,
"visible": true,
"searchable": true,
"orderable": true
"name": "type_string",
"targets": 3,
"visible": false,
"searchable": true,
"orderable": true,
"name": "language",
"targets": 4,
"visible": true,
"searchable": true,
"orderable": true
"name": "buttons",
"targets": 5,
"visible": true,
"searchable" : false,
"orderable": false
var undefindexers = UnconfiguredIndexersDialog.find('#unconfigured-indexers');
UnconfiguredIndexersDialog.on('', function() {
$(this).find('div.dataTables_filter input').focusWithoutScrolling();
UnconfiguredIndexersDialog.on('', function (e) {
$('#indexers div.dataTables_filter input').focusWithoutScrolling();
awesome! is there a way to only add en-us language trackers?