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Last active June 29, 2018 19:37
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const RippleAPI = require('ripple-lib').RippleAPI;
const api = new RippleAPI({
server: 'wss://'
async function getChannelHistory(previousTxnID) {
let prevId = previousTxnID
let txs = []
while (1) {
const rawTx = await api.request('tx', {
transaction: prevId
tx = {
id: rawTx.hash,
account: rawTx.Account,
type: rawTx.TransactionType,
result: rawTx.meta.TransactionResult
for (let node of rawTx.meta.AffectedNodes) {
let finalFields
if (node.ModifiedNode &&
node.ModifiedNode.LedgerEntryType === 'PayChannel') {
finalFields = node.ModifiedNode.FinalFields
prevId = node.ModifiedNode.PreviousTxnID
} else if (node.CreatedNode &&
node.CreatedNode.LedgerEntryType === 'PayChannel') {
finalFields = node.CreatedNode.NewFields
} else {
tx.final_fields = {
amount: finalFields.Amount,
balance: finalFields.Balance,
expiration: finalFields.Expiration
if (rawTx.TransactionType==='PaymentChannelCreate')
return txs
async function getPaymentChannels(account) {
const resp = await api.getAccountObjects(account, {
type: 'payment_channel'
let channels = {}
for (let channel of resp.account_objects) {
channels[channel.index] = {
account: channel.Account,
destination: channel.Destination,
public_key: channel.PublicKey,
amount: channel.Amount,
balance: channel.Balance,
settle_delay: channel.SettleDelay,
cancel_after: channel.CancelAfter,
expiration: channel.Expiration,
history: await getChannelHistory(channel.PreviousTxnID)
return channels
async function getXRPChannelInfo (account) {
try {
await api.connect()
const accountInfo = await api.getAccountInfo(account)
return {
account: account,
balance: accountInfo.xrpBalance,
reserve: 20 + 5 * accountInfo.ownerCount,
channels: await getPaymentChannels(account)
} catch(err) {
getXRPChannelInfo('rEgrbBGK2V2unCFFLf8eq4s8iQUjZ4gH4F').then(info => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(info, null, 2))
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