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Created June 30, 2018 04:55
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var ripple = require('ripple-lib').RippleAPI
var kp = require('ripple-keypairs')
const api = new ripple.RippleAPI({
server: 'wss://'
async function addSigners (account, secret, signers, threshold) {
let weights = []
for (let signer of signers) {
address: signer.address,
weight: 1
const tx = await api.prepareSettings(account, {
signers: {
threshold: threshold,
weights: weights
const signed = api.sign(tx.txJSON, secret);
return await api.submit(signed.signedTransaction)
async function sendPayment (account, destination, signers, threshold) {
let signatures = []
for (let i=0; i<threshold; i++) {
const tx = await api.preparePayment(account,
"source": {
"address": account,
"amount": {
"value": "1",
"currency": "XRP"
"destination": {
"address": destination,
"minAmount": {
"value": "1",
"currency": "XRP"
}, {
signersCount: threshold
signatures.push(api.sign(tx.txJSON, signers[i].seed, {
signAs: signers[i].address
const combined = api.combine(signatures)
return await api.submit(combined.signedTransaction)
async function doMultiSign (account, secret, destination, nSigners, threshold) {
try {
await api.connect()
let signers = []
for (let i=0; i<nSigners; i++) {
const seed = kp.generateSeed();
const keypair = kp.deriveKeypair(seed);
const address = kp.deriveAddress(keypair.publicKey);
address: address,
seed: seed
console.log(await addSigners(account, secret, signers, threshold))
console.log(await sendPayment(account, destination, signers, threshold))
} catch (err) {
3, 2)
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