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Last active March 22, 2017 19:04
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# windytan 2017, public domain
use warnings;
use strict;
my $img_width = 1200;
my $img_height = 900;
my $yscale = 0.6;
my $xscale = 0.13;
my $rowheight = 5;
my $start_y = 160;
my $start_x = 300;
my $num_lines = 130;
my $fill_height = 200;
my $data_separator = ',';
my $slope = -1.2;
my $outfile = 'plot.png';
my $rownum = 0;
my @image;
while (my $line = <>) {
chomp $line;
my @cols = split /$data_separator/, $line;
# white fill
for my $colnum (0 .. $#cols) {
my $x = $start_x + $colnum * $xscale + $rownum*$slope;
my $liney = $start_y + $rownum * $rowheight - $cols[$colnum]*$yscale;
for my $filly ($liney+1..$liney+$fill_height) {
if ($x >= 0 && $filly >= 0) {
$image[$x][$filly] = 255;
# black line
for my $colnum (0 .. $#cols) {
my $x = $start_x + $colnum * $xscale + $rownum*$slope;
my $liney = $start_y + $rownum * $rowheight - $cols[$colnum]*$yscale;
if ($x >= 0 && $liney >= 0) {
$image[$x][$liney] = 0;
last if (++$rownum >= $num_lines);
open my $magick, '|-', 'convert -depth 8 -size '.$img_width.'x'.$img_height.
' gray:- '.$outfile or die ($!);
for my $y (0 .. $img_height-1) {
for my $x (0 .. $img_width-1) {
my $px = $image[$x][$y] // 255;
print $magick chr($px);
close $magick;
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