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Created January 13, 2021 15:21
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A mandelbrot set viewer
# import pygame as pg
# import numpy as np
# import math
# import timeit
# toc = timeit.default_timer()
# pg.init()
# pg.display.set_caption("*basically ksp*")
# pg.font.init()
# xmax = 1080
# ymax = 720
# scr = pg.display.set_mode((xmax, ymax))
# black = (0, 0, 0)
# # arr = pg.surfarray.array3d(scr)
# arr2 = np.mgrid[0:1080,0:720]
# # A = np.zeros((720, 1080))
# C = np.mgrid[0:1080, 0:720]
# # Z is the complex number array
# Z = (C[0]-540)/270+(C[1]-360)*1j/180
# test = 5
# def colour(x):
# z = 0+0j
# for i in range(6):
# z = z*z + x
# # test = np.absolute(z)
# # if test > 10:
# # break
# y = np.absolute(z)
# # if y > 1:
# # # r = min(255, 255 * max(0, 1.5 * (-math.cos(math.pi * y/99999))))
# # # g = min(255, 255 * (1.5 * math.sin(math.pi * y/99999)))
# # # b = min(255, 255 * max(0, 1.5 * math.cos(math.pi * y/99999)))
# # r = 0
# # g = 0
# # b = min(255, y/9999999999)
# if y < 3:
# r, g, b = 0, 0, 0
# else:
# r, g = 0, 0
# b = 255
# test = 1
# return r, g, b
# # remember to implement zooming
# # for i in range(xmax):
# # for j in range(ymax):
# # a, b, c = colour(i)
# # arr[i][j] = (a, b, c)
# vfunc = np.vectorize(colour)
# be = vfunc(Z)
# be = np.stack((be[0], be[1], be[2]), axis=-1)
# tic = timeit.default_timer()
# # print(np.shape(be))
# # print(be[1079][0])
# print(tic - toc)
# print(test)
# # new_center = 0
# # Main Loop!!
# running = True
# while running:
# pg.surfarray.blit_array(scr, be)
# #quit event
# for event in pg.event.get():
# if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
# new_center = pg.mouse.get_pos()
# print(new_center)
# if event.type == pg.QUIT:
# running = False
# pg.display.flip()
# pg.quit()
import pygame as pg
import numpy as np
import math
import timeit
toc = timeit.default_timer()
pg.display.set_caption("Mandelbrot set")
xmax = 1600
ymax = 840
scr = pg.display.set_mode((xmax, ymax))
black = (0, 0, 0)
# arr = pg.surfarray.array3d(scr)
C = np.mgrid[0:xmax, 0:ymax]
empty_arr = np.zeros((xmax, ymax))
itr = 0
def generate_complex_plane(x, y, grid, zoom):
return (grid[0]-2*xmax/3)/(zoom*xmax/3)+x+(((grid[1]-ymax/2)/(zoom*ymax/2))-y)*1j
def iterator(z_0, c):
# the mandelbrot set equation
z = z_0
for i in range(8):
z = z*z + c
# if y > 1:
# # r = min(255, 255 * max(0, 1.5 * (-math.cos(math.pi * y/99999))))
# # g = min(255, 255 * (1.5 * math.sin(math.pi * y/99999)))
# # b = min(255, 255 * max(0, 1.5 * math.cos(math.pi * y/99999)))
# r = 0
# g = 0
# b = min(255, y/9999999999)
return z
def colour(z, iter):
# the mandelbrot set definition (whether the number has or has not exploded, colouring step
y = np.absolute(z)
if y < 1+1/(zoom*1):
iter += 1
return 255, 255, 255, iter
# r = min(255, 255 * max(0, 1.5 * (-math.cos(math.pi * iter*10))))
# g = min(255, 255 * (1.5 * math.sin(math.pi * iter*10)))
# b = min(255, 255 * max(0, 1.5 * math.cos(math.pi * iter/10)))
# r, g = min(255, iter*10/(zoom/2.5)), min(255, iter*20/(zoom/2.5))
# b = min(255, iter*30/(zoom/2.5))
# return r, g, b, iter
r, g = min(255, iter * 4), min(255, iter * 8)
b = min(255, iter * 14)
return r, g, b, iter
# return 0, 10, 200, iter
# else:
# return 0, 0, 255
# remember to implement zooming
# for i in range(xmax):
# for j in range(ymax):
# a, b, c = colour(i)
# arr[i][j] = (a, b, c)
# Z is the complex number array
# Z = (C[0]-2*xmax/3)/(xmax/3)+(C[1]-ymax/2)*1j/(ymax/2)
center = -1.282, 0.068
zoom = 400
Z = generate_complex_plane(center[0], center[1], C, zoom)
vfunc1 = np.vectorize(iterator)
vfunc2 = np.vectorize(colour)
explody_arr = vfunc1(empty_arr, Z)
be = vfunc2(explody_arr, empty_arr)
disp_arr = np.stack((be[0], be[1], be[2]), axis=-1)
tic = timeit.default_timer()
print(tic - toc)
# new_center = 0
# Main Loop!!
running = True
play = 1
while running:
# t = timeit.default_timer()
# circle_colour = (min(255, 255 * max(0, 1.5 * (-math.cos(math.pi * t / 5)))),
# min(255, 255 * max(0,(1.5 * math.sin(math.pi * t / 5)))),
# min(255, 255 * max(0, 1.5 * math.cos(math.pi * t / 5))))
# if play == 1:
# explody_arr = vfunc1(explody_arr, Z)
# be = vfunc2(explody_arr, be[3])
# # circle_colour = (255, 255, 255)
explody_arr = vfunc1(explody_arr, Z)
be = vfunc2(explody_arr, be[3])
dis_arr = np.stack((be[0], be[1], be[2]), axis=-1)
pg.surfarray.blit_array(scr, dis_arr)
#, color=circle_colour, center=(2 * xmax / 3, ymax / 2), radius=3)
itr += 1
# quit event
# event = pg.event.wait()
# if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
# if event.type == pg.K_RIGHT:
# zoom += 10
# print("ere")
# Z = generate_complex_plane(center[0], center[1], C, zoom)
# explody_arr = vfunc1(empty_arr, Z)
# be = vfunc2(explody_arr, empty_arr)
# disp_arr = np.stack((be[0], be[1], be[2]), axis=-1)
# if event.type == pg.K_LEFT:
# zoom -= 10
# Z = generate_complex_plane(center[0], center[1], C, zoom)
# explody_arr = vfunc1(empty_arr, Z)
# be = vfunc2(explody_arr, empty_arr)
# disp_arr = np.stack((be[0], be[1], be[2]), axis=-1)
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
new_center = pg.mouse.get_pos(), "test.jpeg")
# play = play * -1
# center = (new_center[0]-2*xmax/3)/(xmax/3), -(new_center[1]-ymax/2)/(ymax/2)
# Z = generate_complex_plane(center[0], center[1], C, zoom)
# explody_arr = vfunc1(empty_arr, Z)
# be = vfunc2(explody_arr, empty_arr)
# disp_arr = np.stack((be[0], be[1], be[2]), axis=-1)
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
running = False
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