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Created June 19, 2012 19:46
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WYMeditor embed plugin with video/source support
* WYMeditor : what you see is What You Mean web-based editor
* Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 Jean-Francois Hovinne,
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-license.txt)
* and GPL (GPL-license.txt) licenses.
* For further information visit:
* File Name:
* jquery.wymeditor.embed.js
* Experimental embed plugin
* File Authors:
* Jonatan Lundin (jonatan.lundin a-t gmail dotcom)
* Roger Hu ( a-t gmail dotcom)
* Scott Nixon (citadelgrad a-t gmail dotcom)
(function () {
function removeItem(item, arr) {
for (var i = arr.length; i--;) {
if (arr[i] === item) {
arr.splice(i, 1);
return arr;
if (WYMeditor && WYMeditor.XhtmlValidator._tags.param.attributes) {
WYMeditor.XhtmlValidator._tags.embed = {
WYMeditor.XhtmlValidator._tags.param.attributes = {
WYMeditor.XhtmlValidator._tags.iframe = {
}; = {
WYMeditor.XhtmlValidator._tags.source = {
// Override the XhtmlSaxListener to allow param, embed and iframe.
// We have to do an explicit override
// of the function instead of just changing the startup parameters
// because those are only used on creation, and changing them after
// the fact won't affect the existing XhtmlSaxListener
var XhtmlSaxListener = WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener;
WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener = function () {
var listener =;
// param, embed and iframe should be inline tags so that they can
// be nested inside other elements
removeItem('param', listener.block_tags);
return listener;
WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype = XhtmlSaxListener.prototype;
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I've created a version of this that also adds the audio tag and allows all attributes documented by w3schools. I also had some problems to nest a source tag inside a video tag, which were fixed by marking video as a block tag rather than inline. See:

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