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Busy busting SIGSEGV bugs

winterrdog winterrdog

Busy busting SIGSEGV bugs
  • No_such_file_or_directory
  • Earth realm
  • 10:43 (UTC +03:00)
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winterrdog / list.h
Created June 28, 2024 18:32
linked list exercise in C
// this is a header file. try to implement all the functions herein. Please labor to understand the structure of a node and try to create it on your own!
#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H 1
typedef struct node node;
typedef struct node {
int data;
node *next;
} node;
winterrdog /
Last active June 10, 2024 09:30
mergesort algorithm in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
* Merges two sorted subarrays of arr[].
* The first subarray is arr[low..mid].
* The second subarray is arr[mid+1..high].
* @param arr The array to be sorted.
* @param low The starting index of the first subarray.
winterrdog /
Last active June 8, 2024 17:37
quicksort algorithm in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
* Partitions the given vector of integers into two parts based on a pivot
* value. The pivot value is chosen as the "first" element of the vector. Elements
* greater than the pivot value are moved to the right side of the pivot, while
* elements less than or equal to the pivot value are moved to the left side.
* @param nums The vector of integers to be partitioned.
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<frameset onload=javascript:alert(1)>
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<head><base href="javascript://"></head><body><a href="/. /,javascript:alert(1)//#">XXX</a></body>
winterrdog /
Created March 14, 2022 10:50 — forked from nikhita/
How to update the Go version

How to update the Go version

System: Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora. Might work for others as well.

1. Uninstall the exisiting version

As mentioned here, to update a go version you will first need to uninstall the original version.

To uninstall, delete the /usr/local/go directory by:


Considerations when executing a Buffer Overflow

Disable Execution Protection (not needed for Ubuntu18)
Linux NX
[    0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active

Boot and interrupt the GRUB menu
winterrdog / ANSI-color-codes.h
Created February 7, 2022 14:03 — forked from RabaDabaDoba/ANSI-color-codes.h
The entire table of ANSI color codes working in C!
* This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
* For more information, please refer to <>
//Regular text
#define BLK "\e[0;30m"
#define RED "\e[0;31m"
#define GRN "\e[0;32m"
winterrdog /
Created February 7, 2022 14:02 — forked from iamnewton/
The entire table of ANSI color codes.

Regular Colors

Value Color
\e[0;30m Black
\e[0;31m Red
\e[0;32m Green
\e[0;33m Yellow
\e[0;34m Blue
\e[0;35m Purple
winterrdog / gist:d49be3bac401cf3aaf08dcb796735e4e
Created February 4, 2022 05:11 — forked from eliburke/gist:24f06a1590d572e86a01504e1b38b27f
Encrypt/Decrypt functions for AES 256 GCM using OpenSSL for iPhone
// This is 4 year old code, and I have long since switched to PolarSSL
// But I have no reason to believe it is not still valid and functional
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include <openssl/ecdsa.h>
#include <openssl/obj_mac.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>


load without any analysis (file header at offset 0x0): r2 -n /path/to/file

  • analyze all: aa
  • show sections: iS
  • list functions: afl
  • list imports: ii
  • list entrypoints: ie
  • seek to function: s sym.main