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Last active January 17, 2021 22:59
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I Am

I am Will Jessop. I am a contractor and consultant advising on Ruby on Rails performance, upgrades, scaling and hosting.

I deployed, scaled, and debugged Ruby on Rails applications at Engineyard before spending nearly six years working in operations at Basecamp (37signals), the company that created Ruby on Rails itself. After that I spent three years contracting for a large company helping them upgrade their Rails version and stack, implement strong parameters, and generally improve quality in their codebase by implementing data-collection, dashboards and reporting, writing documentation and providing advice, as well as updating code myself, all within the company's many Rails apps, including their main multi-million line monolith.

You are

You have an existing Rails app that you might want some assistance with. You might be in one of the following circumstances:

  • You might be having issues right now with slower page loads than you want, or even serving errors to your customers.
  • Your application might be fine right now, but you want to know it will scale as you add more users and more load.
  • You might be falling behind with your Rails version or dependant gems and need some help planning or getting started with an upgrade.
  • You might be missing tooling, reporting or monitoring to allow you to know if your application is performing optimally.

Contact me

I have many years of experience advising and fixing issues with Ruby on Rails applications, if you think you might want my help please get in touch at [email protected].

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Good luck Will.

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