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Forked from hadley/.gitignore
Created June 26, 2019 14:03
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Benchmark different ways of reading a file
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
CharacterVector read_file_cpp1(std::string path) {
std::ifstream t(path.c_str());
std::stringstream ss;
ss << t.rdbuf();
return ss.str();
// [[Rcpp::export]]
CharacterVector read_file_cpp2(std::string path) {
std::ifstream in(path.c_str());
std::string contents;
in.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);[0], contents.size());

Reading a complete file with R

This is a short exploration of the most efficient way to read a complete file (including newlines) into R - previously I'd used readLines() plus paste() but that's clearly the least efficient option.

Here are the options:

  • Use readLines() and paste()

    read_file1 <- function(path) {
      paste0(paste0(readLines(path), collapse = "\n"), "\n")
  • Find out the size of the file and then use readChar()

    read_file2 <- function(path) {
      size <-$size
      readChar(path, size, useBytes = TRUE)
  • As above, but using readBin(), then converting to a character vector. Unfortunately you can't read into a character vector directly because use type = "character" is limited to 10000 characters

    read_file3 <- function(path) {
      size <-$size
      rawToChar(readBin(path, "raw", size))
  • A safer approach that doesn't use a separate call to - this avoids race conditions where the file changes between asking for its size and reading it. (Suggested by @klmr)

    read_file4 <- function(path, chunk_size = 1e4) {
      con <- file(path, "rb", raw = TRUE)
      # Guess approximate number of chunks
      n <-$size / chunk_size
      chunks <- vector("list", n)
      i <- 1L
      chunks[[i]] <- readBin(con, "raw", n = chunk_size)
      while(length(chunks[[i]]) == chunk_size) {
        i <- i + 1L
        chunks[[i]] <- readBin(con, "raw", n = chunk_size)
      rawToChar(unlist(chunks, use.names = FALSE))
  • An alternative would be to use C++. This version was supplied by @tim_yates

  • An alternative would be to use C++. read_file_cpp1 came from @tim_yates, and read_file_cpp2 from @the_belial


We'll compare the results on a file included with R:

path <- file.path(R.home("doc"), "COPYING")$size / 1024
# [1] 17.6

First we need to check they all return the same results. (They won't if the file doesn't include a trailing newline)

stopifnot(identical(read_file1(path), read_file2(path)))
stopifnot(identical(read_file1(path), read_file3(path)))
stopifnot(identical(read_file1(path), read_file4(path)))
stopifnot(identical(read_file1(path), read_file_cpp2(path)))
stopifnot(identical(read_file1(path), read_file_cpp2(path)))

The benchmarking results are clear: readChar() is the best base R option, and is about four times faster for this file. The safer approach using chunked readBin() reads is about 50% slower. The C++ functions both fast (2x faster than readChar() and 10x faster than readLines()) and safe.

  readLines = read_file1(path),   
  readChar = read_file2(path),   
  readBin = read_file3(path),
  chunked_read = read_file4(path),
  Rcpp = read_file_cpp1(path),
  Rcpp2 = read_file_cpp2(path)
# Unit: microseconds
#          expr   min    lq median    uq  max neval
#     readLines 608.8 613.3  628.7 654.2  707   100
#      readChar 124.0 130.6  135.1 140.4  261   100
#       readBin 141.2 146.9  150.5 157.1  229   100
#  chunked_read 199.9 205.7  211.3 218.5 1301   100
#          Rcpp  68.4  72.3   75.7  87.9  115   100
#         Rcpp2  53.5  57.3   59.5  61.6 1109   100
```{r, echo = FALSE}
options(digits = 3)
opts_chunk$set(comment = "#", tidy = FALSE)
# Reading a complete file with R
This is a short exploration of the most efficient way to read a complete file
(including newlines) into R - previously I'd used `readLines()` plus `paste()`
but that's clearly the least efficient option.
Here are the options:
* Use `readLines()` and `paste()`
read_file1 <- function(path) {
paste0(paste0(readLines(path), collapse = "\n"), "\n")
* Find out the size of the file and then use `readChar()`
read_file2 <- function(path) {
size <-$size
readChar(path, size, useBytes = TRUE)
* As above, but using `readBin()`, then converting to a character vector.
Unfortunately you can't read into a character vector directly because
use `type = "character"` is limited to 10000 characters
read_file3 <- function(path) {
size <-$size
rawToChar(readBin(path, "raw", size))
* A safer approach that doesn't use a separate call to `` - this avoids race conditions where the file changes between asking for its size and reading it. (Suggested by [@klmr](
read_file4 <- function(path, chunk_size = 1e4) {
con <- file(path, "rb", raw = TRUE)
# Guess approximate number of chunks
n <-$size / chunk_size
chunks <- vector("list", n)
i <- 1L
chunks[[i]] <- readBin(con, "raw", n = chunk_size)
while(length(chunks[[i]]) == chunk_size) {
i <- i + 1L
chunks[[i]] <- readBin(con, "raw", n = chunk_size)
rawToChar(unlist(chunks, use.names = FALSE))
* An alternative would be to use C++. This version was supplied by [@tim_yates](
* An alternative would be to use C++. `read_file_cpp1` came from [@tim_yates](, and `read_file_cpp2` from [@the_belial](
We'll compare the results on a file included with R:
path <- file.path(R.home("doc"), "COPYING")$size / 1024
First we need to check they all return the same results. (They won't if the file
doesn't include a trailing newline)
stopifnot(identical(read_file1(path), read_file2(path)))
stopifnot(identical(read_file1(path), read_file3(path)))
stopifnot(identical(read_file1(path), read_file4(path)))
stopifnot(identical(read_file1(path), read_file_cpp2(path)))
stopifnot(identical(read_file1(path), read_file_cpp2(path)))
The benchmarking results are clear: `readChar()` is the best base R option, and is
about four times faster for this file. The safer approach using chunked `readBin()` reads is about 50% slower. The C++ functions both fast (2x faster than `readChar()` and 10x faster than `readLines()`) and safe.
readLines = read_file1(path),
readChar = read_file2(path),
readBin = read_file3(path),
chunked_read = read_file4(path),
Rcpp = read_file_cpp1(path),
Rcpp2 = read_file_cpp2(path)
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