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Last active September 6, 2022 00:55
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Installing powerline on Mac OSX. The following was done in version Version 10.8.2

Install dependencies

brew install cmake
brew install python
sudo easy_install pip

Add powerline bin to your path. In your zshrc file (or the paths files sourced in zshrc) add the following line


Reinstall MacVim with brew

I needed to edit the formula to specify which python to build against.

brew edit macvim

Edit it as follows (tip is from here)

Find the arguments list (begins with args = %W[ ...), and modify this line:


Change it to these two lines:


On my system the above folder did not exist so I had to link it as follows

ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/python2.7/config /usr/local/lib/python2.7/config

then reinstall it

brew remove macvim
brew install macvim --env-std --override-system-vim

Install powerline

pip install --user git+git:// --verbose

Install fonts

Install the fonts by downloading them (, click on them, and then click install in the application that opens.


Add the following to your dot files


set rtp+=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/powerline/bindings/vim

if has("gui_running")
   let s:uname = system("uname")
   if s:uname == "Darwin\n"
      set guifont=Meslo\ LG\ S\ for\ Powerline

Note: Use your desired font in place of Meslo above. The first line is needed for all vim and the next few lines are needed for MacVim GUI.


. /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh


source '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/powerline/bindings/tmux/powerline.conf'

Installing iTerm from source

I needed to do this because my Fonts were not working. Without this it looked like ↓

It will build and launch iTerm. Then copy the app to /Applications. It will be something like:

mv /Users/wmernagh/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iTerm-dmqofiayvqouzqakzaudepvpnfgb/Build/Products/Development/ /Applications

Configure iTerm to use the powerline fonts

In Preferences > Profiles > Text and select the fonts:


If all goes well it should look like this:

vim (MacVim launched as vi or vim in the iTerm2)

MacVim GUI



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msisto commented Jul 30, 2018


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Mid 2019 homebrew removed options. --override-system-vim and any other brew options no longer work. Just a heads up

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