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Created April 25, 2014 21:07
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Python: timing various ways of flipping bits in a binary string
# Test various ways of flipping '1's and '0's in a Python binary string.
echo "Bit manipulation given decimal int:"
PYSTRING="i = $TESTINT; bin((i ^ (2 ** (i.bit_length()+1) - 1)))[3:]"
echo "$PYSTRING\n"
python -m timeit "$PYSTRING"
echo "\nBit manipulation given string:"
PYSTRING="s = $TEST; bin((int(s, 2) ^ (2**(len(s)+1) - 1)))[3:]"
echo "$PYSTRING\n"
python -m timeit "$PYSTRING"
echo "\nSequential str.replace:"
PYSTRING="s = $TEST; s.replace('1', '2').replace('0', '1').replace('2', '0')"
echo "$PYSTRING\n"
python -m timeit "$PYSTRING"
echo "\nstr.maketrans:"
PYSTRING="s = $TEST; s.translate(str.maketrans('10', '01'))"
echo "$PYSTRING\n"
python -m timeit "$PYSTRING"
echo "\n''.join with dictionary mapping:"
PYSTRING="s = $TEST; flip = {'1':'0', '0':'1'}; ''.join(flip[b] for b in s)"
echo "$PYSTRING\n"
python -m timeit "$PYSTRING"
echo "\n''.join with conditional:"
PYSTRING="s = $TEST; ''.join('1' if b == '0' else '0' for b in s)"
echo "$PYSTRING\n"
python -m timeit "$PYSTRING"
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