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Created July 9, 2013 20:31
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StackOverflow workflow for Alfred, derived from This version shows when the question was asked in human-readable format instead of just an actual date.
import json, StringIO, gzip, alfred, urllib, urllib2, datetime, time
def voiteImg(votes):
if votes < 0:
imgStr = 'so--1.png'
elif votes == 0:
imgStr = 'so-0.png'
elif votes >0 and votes <10:
imgStr = 'so-1-1.png'
elif votes >= 10 and votes <50:
imgStr = 'so-10.png'
elif votes >= 50 and votes <100:
imgStr = 'so-50.png'
elif votes >= 100 and votes <500:
imgStr = 'so-100.png'
elif votes >= 500 and votes <1000:
imgStr = 'so-500.png'
elif votes >= 1000:
imgStr = 'so-1000.png'
return imgStr
theQuery = u'{query}'
theQuery = urllib.quote_plus(theQuery)
url = '' % theQuery
request = urllib2.Request(url)
request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip')
req_open = urllib2.build_opener()
conn =
req_data =
data_stream = StringIO.StringIO(req_data)
gzip_stream = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=data_stream)
actual_data =
data = json.loads(actual_data)
results = []
def convertToHumanReadable(date_time):
converts a python datetime object to the
format "X days, Y hours ago"
@param date_time: Python datetime object
fancy datetime:: string
current_datetime =
delta = str(current_datetime - date_time)
if delta.find(',') > 0:
days, hours = delta.split(',')
days = int(days.split()[0].strip())
hours, minutes = hours.split(':')[0:2]
hours, minutes = delta.split(':')[0:2]
days = 0
days, hours, minutes = int(days), int(hours), int(minutes)
datelets =[]
years, months, xdays = None, None, None
plural = lambda x: 's' if x!=1 else ''
if days >= 365:
years = int(days/365)
datelets.append('%d year%s' % (years, plural(years)))
days = days%365
if days >= 30 and days < 365:
months = int(days/30)
datelets.append('%d month%s' % (months, plural(months)))
days = days%30
if not years and days > 0 and days < 30:
xdays =days
datelets.append('%d day%s' % (xdays, plural(xdays)))
if not (months or years) and hours != 0:
datelets.append('%d hour%s' % (hours, plural(hours)))
if not (xdays or months or years):
datelets.append('%d minute%s' % (minutes, plural(minutes)))
return ', '.join(datelets) + ' ago'
for q in data['items']:
arg = q['link']
time = convertToHumanReadable(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(q['creation_date']))
subtitle = "" + str(q['score']) + " votes " + str(q['answer_count']) + " answers "+ str(q['view_count']) + " views Asked " + time
img = voiteImg(q['score'])
item = alfred.Item({'uid': 1, 'arg': arg}, q['title'], subtitle.encode('utf-8'), (img, {'type': 'png'}))
xml = alfred.xml(results)
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