- Pressing Ctrl + Esc (or Ctrl + Caps Lock if you have Caps Lock mapped to Esc) will put a “window hint” at the center of every currently visible window.
- These will each have a unique letter in them.
- Pressing a letter will focus that window.
- Pressing Esc will cancel the window hints.
Think of the o, k, l, and ; keys as arrow keys:
- k = ←
- ; = →
- o = ↑
- l = ↓
Cmd + Ctrl + [direction key].
- Left half:
- Cmd + Ctrl + k
- Right half:
- Cmd + Ctrl + ;
- Whole screen (maximize window):
- Cmd + Ctrl + o
- Bottom half:
- Cmd + Ctrl + l
Cmd + Option + [lower/upper] + [left/right].
Ctrl means “lower”, Shift means “upper”, k means “left”, and ; means “right”.
- Lower left:
- Cmd + Option + Ctrl + k
- Lower right:
- Cmd + Option + Ctrl + ;
- Upper left:
- Cmd + Option + Shift + o
- Upper right:
- Cmd + Option + Shift + ;
Here's the portion of the ~/.slate
file that specifies these bindings (lines beginning with #
are comments), in case you want to understand the rest of the file:
# okl; bindings {{{
# Current screen (CTRL + CMD [+ SHIFT]) {{{
# Full screen {{{
bind o:ctrl,cmd ${c-max}
bind w:ctrl,cmd ${c-max}
# }}}
# Half screen {{{
bind k:ctrl,cmd push left bar-resize:screenSizeX/2
bind ;:ctrl,cmd push right bar-resize:screenSizeX/2
bind o:shift,ctrl,cmd push up bar-resize:screenSizeY/2
bind l:ctrl,cmd push down bar-resize:screenSizeY/2
# }}}
# Quarter screen {{{
bind k:ctrl,alt,cmd ${c-bl}
bind ;:ctrl,alt,cmd ${c-br}
bind k:shift,alt,cmd ${c-tl}
bind ;:shift,alt,cmd ${c-tr}
# }}}
# }}}