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Created July 6, 2018 05:17
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Convert Slate JSON object to React element tree
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
import React from 'react'
import RULES from './somewhere' // What you normally feed slate-html-serializer
const rules = [
// from slate-html-serializer
serialize(obj, children) {
if (obj.object === 'string') {
return children.split('\n').reduce((array, text, i) => {
if (i != 0) array.push(<br key={i} />)
return array
}, [])
let serializeNode, serializeLeaf, serializeString, cruftNewline, addKey
const toReact = (value, options = {}) => {
const {document} = value
const elements =
return elements
serializeNode = node => {
if (node.object === 'text') {
const {leaves} = node
const children =
for (const rule of rules) {
if (!rule.serialize) continue
const ret = rule.serialize(node, children)
if (ret === null) return
if (ret) return addKey(ret)
throw new Error(`No serializer defined for node of type "${node.type}".`)
serializeLeaf = leaf => {
const string = {object: 'string', text: leaf.text}
const text = serializeString(string)
return leaf.marks.reduce((children, mark) => {
for (const rule of rules) {
if (!rule.serialize) continue
const ret = rule.serialize(mark, children)
if (ret === null) return
if (ret) return addKey(ret)
throw new Error(`No serializer defined for mark of type "${mark.type}".`)
}, text)
serializeString = string => {
for (const rule of rules) {
if (!rule.serialize) continue
const ret = rule.serialize(string, string.text)
if (ret) return ret
cruftNewline = element =>
!(element.nodeName === '#text' && element.nodeValue == '\n')
let key = 0
addKey = element => React.cloneElement(element, {key: key++})
export default toReact
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Can't seem to make it work, keep getting Error: No serializer defined for node of type "paragraph". I'm using as rules. Am I doing something wrong?

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The problem dmitrizzle had was that he did not include a serialization rule for paragraph.

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