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Last active February 25, 2025 14:35
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Wrap a command with an SQLite read lock on given files so they can safely be backed up
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script wraps a command with a read lock on given SQLite databases
# Example: *.sqlite3 -- tar cvzf backup.tgz *.sqlite3
# Note that it doesn't check for errors, so it really only works in WAL mode.
# Updates that read from ${COPROC[0]} to check errors welcome.
# [email protected]
# exit on any error
set -e
while [ -n "$1" ] && [ "$1" != "--" ]; do
DBs="$DBs $1"
if [ "$1" != "--" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 sqliteDbFiles... -- command args..." >&2
exit 1
# We run the sqlite CLI in a coprocess and acquire read locks on all DBs
coproc sqlite3
# We can send command on this fd. We're ignoring the output fd.
function close() {
echo ".quit" >&$I
# Try to close coproc on script exit
trap close 0
for i in $DBs; do
n=$(basename "$i")
echo "ATTACH DATABASE '$i' AS \"$n\"; PRAGMA \"$n\".wal_checkpoint(FULL);" >&$I
echo "BEGIN;" >&$I
for i in $DBs; do
n=$(basename "$i")
# This is enough to acquire a read lock
echo "SELECT 1 FROM \"$n\".sqlite_master;" >&$I
# Now wait for the command to complete
# Since this is the last command, it will determine the exit code
# The trap above will close sqlite3
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