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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Save wmertens/78c840ce04b6e9a1193d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tiny in-browser memoized auto-prefixer for React styles, supports flexbox too.
# Auto-vendor-prefixer
# Finds the vendor prefix to use
# MIT license, Author: Wout Mertens
myStyle=document?.head?.style or {}
newCssProp = (prop) ->
t = foundProps[prop]
return t if typeof t isnt 'undefined'
if prop of myStyle
foundProps[prop] = prop
return prop
PropName = (prop.substr 0, 1).toUpperCase()+prop.substr 1
if prefix
t = prefix+PropName
if t of myStyle
return t
for p in ['Webkit', 'Moz', 'ms', 'O']
t = p+PropName
if t of myStyle
prefix = p
foundProps[prop] = t
return t
return true
console.log "Warning: Unknown style property #{prop}"
foundProps[prop] = prop
return prop
foundDisplay = {}
fixDisplay = (val) ->
t = foundDisplay[val]
return t if typeof t isnt 'undefined'
if val in ['flex', 'inline-flex']
for t in [val, "-webkit-#{val}", "-ms-#{val}box"]
myStyle.display = t
if myStyle.display is t
foundDisplay[val] = t
myStyle.display = ''
return t
foundDisplay[val] = val
return val
if fixDisplay("flex") isnt "flex"
makeStyle = (style) ->
s = {}
for prop, val of style
if prop is "display"
s.display = fixDisplay val
s[newCssProp(prop)] = val
return s
makeStyle = (style) ->
s = {}
for prop, val of style
s[newCssProp(prop)] = val
return s
module.exports = makeStyle
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