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Created September 8, 2016 20:15
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Convert an LCM log to a ROS bag (mono/stereo images only).
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import yaml
import numpy as np
import lcm
from mav import image_t
import rosbag
from sensor_msgs.msg import CompressedImage, CameraInfo
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Convert an LCM log to a ROS bag (mono/stereo images only).")
parser.add_argument('lcm_file', help='Input LCM log.', action='store')
parser.add_argument('left_img_channel', help='LCM channel for left image.')
help='Image calibration YAML file from ROS calibrator')
parser.add_argument('--right_img_channel', help='LCM channel for right image.',
action='append', dest='lcm_channels')
help='Image calibration YAML file from ROS calibrator',
action='append', dest='yml_files')
roi_parser = parser.add_argument_group("Format7/ROI", "Format7/ROI options needed when dealing with non-standard video modes.")
roi_parser.add_argument('--binning_x', default=1, type=int, dest='binning_x', help='Image binning factor.')
roi_parser.add_argument('--binning_y', default=1, type=int, dest='binning_y', help='Image binning factor.')
roi_parser.add_argument('--x_offset', default=0, type=int, dest='x_offset', help="ROI x offset (in UNBINNED pixels)")
roi_parser.add_argument('--y_offset', default=0, type=int, dest='y_offset', help="ROI y offset (in UNBINNED pixels)")
roi_parser.add_argument('--width', default=640, type=int, dest='width', help="ROI width (in UNBINNED pixels)")
roi_parser.add_argument('--height', default=480, type=int, dest='height', help="ROI height (in UNBINNED pixels)")
roi_parser.add_argument('--do_rectify', default=False, type=bool, dest='do_rectify', help="Do rectification when querying ROI.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.lcm_channels is None:
args.lcm_channels = []
if args.yml_files is None:
args.yml_files = []
if len(args.lcm_channels) != len(args.yml_files):
print "LCM channel-YAML file mismatch!"
print "Converting images in %s to ROS bag file..." % (args.lcm_file)
log = lcm.EventLog(args.lcm_file, 'r')
bag = rosbag.Bag(args.lcm_file + '.images.bag', 'w')
# Read in YAML files.
yml = []
for y in args.yml_files:
count = 0
for event in log:
for ii in range(len(args.lcm_channels)):
l = args.lcm_channels[ii]
y = yml[ii]
if == l:
lcm_msg = image_t.decode(
# Fill in image.
if lcm_msg.pixelformat != image_t.PIXEL_FORMAT_MJPEG:
print "Encountered non-MJPEG compressed image. Skipping..."
ros_msg = CompressedImage()
ros_msg.header.seq = event.eventnum
secs_float = float(lcm_msg.utime)/1e6
nsecs_float = (secs_float - np.floor(secs_float)) * 1e9
ros_msg.header.stamp.secs = np.uint32(np.floor(secs_float))
ros_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = np.uint32(np.floor(nsecs_float))
ros_msg.header.frame_id = "camera"
ros_msg.format = 'jpeg' =
# Fill in camera info
camera_info = CameraInfo()
camera_info.header = ros_msg.header
camera_info.height = y['image_height']
camera_info.width = y['image_width']
if y["distortion_model"] != "plumb_bob":
print "Encountered non-supported distorion model %s. Skipping..." % y["distortion_model"]
camera_info.distortion_model = y["distortion_model"]
camera_info.D = y["distortion_coefficients"]['data']
camera_info.K = y["camera_matrix"]['data']
camera_info.R = y["rectification_matrix"]['data']
camera_info.P = y["projection_matrix"]['data']
camera_info.binning_x = args.binning_x
camera_info.binning_y = args.binning_y
camera_info.roi.x_offset = args.x_offset
camera_info.roi.y_offset = args.y_offset
camera_info.roi.height = args.height
camera_info.roi.width = args.width
camera_info.roi.do_rectify = args.do_rectify
bag.write("/camera/" + l + "/image_raw/compressed", ros_msg, ros_msg.header.stamp)
bag.write("/camera/" + l + "/camera_info", camera_info, camera_info.header.stamp)
count += 1
if count % 100 == 0:
print "Wrote %i events" % count
if __name__ == '__main__':
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