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Hazsi / VapeV4Wine.MD
Last active March 10, 2025 07:00
Guide to using Vape V4 on Linux/macOS under Wine.

Hello there! 👋

Despite the fact that many people on the forums have said it isn't possible, using the latest version of Vape V4 on Linux via Wine is very much possible, and I was able to do it in under an hour of trial and error. I'm using Pop OS, but you can likely get it to work with any version of Linux (and potentially macOS, although I haven't tried).

Of course, this is obviously not supported. If this doesn't work for you, I can try my best to help, but obviously Manthe/Vape support will not help you at all. Please do not bother them with this. Some features may be broken; I'm personally struggling to get profile saving to work correctly (I'm not sure why)

If you're looking for a crack or anything like that, you won't find that here. You obviously need to own Vape for this to work.

1. Installing Wine.

First things first, you need to install Wine. If you don't know, Wine is a free and open source program that attempts to allow Windows software to run on UNIX like operating systems (Linu

Cr4zyFl1x / tiktok_blocklist.txt
Last active January 19, 2025 19:50
TikTok Domains
# Title: TikTok Domain Blocklist
# This hosts file is a collection of domains that are used by several
# TikTok Apps.
# Date: 21 March 2022 23:03:52 (CEST)
# Number of unique domains: 18
# ===============================================================
tVienonen / Bluetooth LE Dual Boot Connecting
Created February 23, 2020 17:24
Guide for pairing and connecting Bluetooth LE devices when using Linux and Windows dual boot

Bluetooth LE Dual Boot Connecting guide

  1. Pair and connect on Linux
  2. Pair and connect on Windows
  3. Shut down Bluetooth device
  4. Boot to Linux
  5. Mount Windows partition
  6. Go to <windows-mount>/Windows/System32/config
  7. Run command chntpw -e SYSTEM
  • Install chntpw if it is not available
unixb0y / hosts
Created April 25, 2018 13:00
hosts file for blocking basically all Google connections
# Put this AFTER your current
# /etc/hosts file contents!
# After that, either reboot or
# manually flush your DNS cache
## #} redirects to #} is the IP address for the #} Google frontend Startpage and automatically