"!type": "group",
"!group_id": "14ea0416-4b14-4b28-a6e6-f44002840cdd",
"!group_name": "General",
"!group_parent": "0"
Handled in Bitwarden by giving it a name like "Parent/Child"
"!type": "group",
"!group_id": "dde4c317-8341-47fc-8e41-a1d4ba4902d9",
"!group_name": "Keys",
"!group_parent": "64426c39-b196-4622-9db0-f54b8ea3e03b"
"!type": "entry",
"!group_id": "14ea0416-4b14-4b28-a6e6-f44002840cdd",
"title": "Some site",
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "password 1234",
"id": "f0930417-0329-4aa9-88e9-1763713c2e09",
"URL": "https://example.com/",
"some key": "some value"
Not worth bothering about
"!type": "entry",
"!group_id": "64426c39-b196-4622-9db0-f54b8ea3e03b",
"title": "Some Credit Card",
"username": "MR FJ BLOGGS",
"password": "1111222233334444",
"id": "0b4bdb3d-0236-4887-bdba-cc17aa0aa094",
"some key": "some value",
"type": "visa",
"cvv": "000",
"expiry": "mmyyyy"
Not worth bothering about
"!type": "entry",
"!group_id": "64426c39-b196-4622-9db0-f54b8ea3e03b",
"title": "Some site",
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "password 2345",
"id": "40cf2507-950d-4048-a727-70448dd44059",
"URL": "https://www.example.com/",
"LoginURL": "https://login.example.com/",
1 = Login
2 = Secure note
3 = Card
4 = Identity
0 = text field
1 = hidden field
2 = boolean field
null = default
0 = base domain
# host?
# starts with?
4 = regex
# exact?
# never?
Let's just use the default URL matching
# !type (group or entry)
# !group_id (group's ID. entry's group_id)
# !group_name (group name (if type is group))
# !group_parent (ID of parent group or "0")
# title (entry's name)
# username (username...)
# password (password...)
# id (entry's ID)
# URL (main(?) URL. Often without schema)
# LoginURL (Login page URL. Usually with schema)
kv pairs where the value has newlines should probably be stored in notes. But what about the key names? What if there are multiple kv pairs like this in an entry? Will just add like this:
Looks like Bitwarden doesn't export Trash, so probably can't import into it either. Will just treat like a normal group for now.
"encrypted": false,
"folders": [
"id": "77445048-6309-441f-a767-ace300b7d077",
"name": "Some Group"
"items": [
"id": "fdf13ded-3d26-41d7-831d-ace300c2d5f2",
"organizationId": null,
"folderId": "51667684-f131-42cc-aa7f-ace300b7d077",
"type": 3,
"name": "Fred Bloggs CC",
"notes": "This is a note",
"favorite": false,
"fields": [
"name": "custom text field",
"value": "custom text value",
"type": 0
"name": "custom hidden field",
"value": "custom hidden value",
"type": 1
"name": "custom boolean value",
"value": "true",
"type": 2
"card": {
"cardholderName": "Fred Bloggs",
"brand": "Visa",
"number": "1234567890123456",
"expMonth": "1",
"expYear": "2022",
"code": "998"
"collectionIds": null
"id": "d2bdb46b-6538-4042-ab1f-ace300cb7557",
"organizationId": null,
"folderId": "51667684-f131-42cc-aa7f-ace300b7d077",
"type": 1,
"name": "Fred Bloggs Login",
"notes": "note line 1\nnote line 2\nnote line 3",
"favorite": false,
"fields": [
"name": "hidden 1",
"value": "value 1",
"type": 1
"login": {
"uris": [
"match": null,
"uri": "https://www.example.com/"
"match": 0,
"uri": "https://a.example.com/"
"match": 4,
"uri": "https://b[0-9]*\\.example\\.com/"
"username": "fred.bloggs",
"password": "password 3456",
"totp": null
"collectionIds": null
It worked well enough for me anyway :)