#Title: HappiTails
- Practice creating objects
- You are the manager at HappiTails animal shelter. You need to manage your shelter by storing and manipulating information about clients and animals.
###Specification: #####Object Specs:
- An animal should have a name.
- An animal should have an age.
- An animal should have a gender.
- An animal should have a species.
- An animal can have multiple toys.
- A client should have a name.
- A client should have a number of children.
- A client should have an age.
- A client should have a number of pets.
You may also want a global $shelter variable in which you can store the animals and clients.
- A client should be able to adopt an animal.
- A client should be able to put an animal up for adoption.
#####Phase 1
- Can create animals and clients with Ruby code:
Animal.new( ... ), Client.new( ... )
#####Phase 2
- New animals and clients can be added to the shelter:
$shelter['animals'] << Animal.new( ... )
#####Phase 3
- When creating an animal or client, the user is prompted for information like names, gender etc.
#####Phase 4
- At start, the user is prompted with a menu of options:
- display all animals
- display all clients
- create an animal
- create an client
- facilitate client adopts an animal
- facilitate client puts an animal up for adoption
- After selecting from the menu the task the user is prompted through the entire process
#####Bonus: Crappy database
- Save and restore ("persist") your data to/from a file. Probably using CSV format.