Unscrew the case via the 4 screws on the back.
Desolder the positive lead of the rechargeable battery. This is necessary because the bootloader of U4 is only present immediately after power-on.
Configure Tigard (or other USB-TTL device) as follows:
- VTGT switch to 3V3
- TX to P1 (left side of U4, clearly marked
- RX to P2 (just above P1)
- GND to GND (just below P1, unmarked)
- Prep VTGT to connect to VTGT (just above P2, unmarked, trace goes to pin 2 of U4)
Connect Tigard to Linux PC. 3 LEDs on Tigard should light. Confirm via dmesg serial port for Tigard (probably /dev/ttyUSB0)
Install stcgal from repo:
git clone https://github.com/grigorig/stcgal ./setup.py build sudo ./setup.py install cd ..
Download U4 firmware:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/atar-axis/tc1-u4/master/tc1-u4/Objects/u4.hex
Verify stcgal can talk to your chip. Run the command below, and when it says
Waiting for MCU, please cycle power
, connect VTGT to 3V3 on the board. You should get an output like this (frequency may vary):$ ./stcgal.py -P stc15 -p /dev/ttyUSB0 Waiting for MCU, please cycle power: done Target model: Name: STC15W104 Magic: F2A4 Code flash: 4.0 KB EEPROM flash: 1.0 KB Target frequency: 33.023 MHz Target BSL version: 7.2.5T Target wakeup frequency: 36.425 KHz Target options: reset_pin_enabled=False clock_source=internal clock_gain=high watchdog_por_enabled=False watchdog_stop_idle=True watchdog_prescale=256 low_voltage_reset=True low_voltage_threshold=3 eeprom_lvd_inhibit=True eeprom_erase_enabled=False bsl_pindetect_enabled=False por_reset_delay=long rstout_por_state=high uart2_passthrough=False uart2_pin_mode=normal cpu_core_voltage=unknown Disconnected!
Disconnect VTGT, run
stcgal -P stc15 -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -t 12000 ./u4.hex
, and re-power VTGT. After the initial preamble the output should look like this as it runs (progress bar not displayed, takes about 15s):Loading flash: 3719 bytes (Intel HEX) Trimming frequency: 11.987 MHz Switching to 19200 baud: done Erasing flash: done Writing flash: 4160 Bytes [00:04, 1031.41 Bytes/s] Finishing write: done Setting options: done Target UID: F2A401B15C3A03 Disconnected!
Unpower VTGT, repeat identification run, and re-power VTGT to verify it has been programmed right:
$ ./stcgal.py -P stc15 -p /dev/ttyUSB0 Waiting for MCU, please cycle power: done Target model: Name: STC15W104 Magic: F2A4 Code flash: 4.0 KB EEPROM flash: 1.0 KB Target frequency: 11.987 MHz Target BSL version: 7.2.5T Target wakeup frequency: 36.425 KHz Target options: reset_pin_enabled=False clock_source=internal clock_gain=high watchdog_por_enabled=False watchdog_stop_idle=True watchdog_prescale=256 low_voltage_reset=True low_voltage_threshold=3 eeprom_lvd_inhibit=True eeprom_erase_enabled=False bsl_pindetect_enabled=False por_reset_delay=long rstout_por_state=high uart2_passthrough=False uart2_pin_mode=normal cpu_core_voltage=unknown Disconnected!
Read https://raw.githubusercontent.com/madires/Transistortester-Warehouse/master/Documentation/English/ctester-1.43m.pdf (or the correct version) and double-check all settings for TC1.
Pull the latest 'm' firmware from https://github.com/madires/Transistortester-Warehouse/tree/master/Firmware/m-firmware (latest as of this writing: 1.43) & unpack.
Make these changes to
:MCU = atmega324p # check chip model on your board to be sure, might be 640/644/644P/644PA FREQ = 16 # check crystal on your board to be sure PARTNO = m324pa # again, check your board PROGRAMMER = tigard PORT = usb OPTIONS = -C +tigard.conf EFUSE = -U efuse:w:0xfd:m # this is on line 313, inside of ifeq (${FAMILY},atmega328_324_640)
Make these changes to
:#define HW_REF25 // uncomment #define UREF_25 2495 // reconnect battery, push button, and // check value @ U2 pin 1 (trace connects to U7 footprint) // with best DVM you have, then disconnect battery again #define HW_ZENER // uncomment #define ZENER_DIVIDER_CUSTOM // uncomment #define ZENER_R1 100000 #define ZENER_R2 12000 #define ZENER_UNSWITCHED // uncomment #define HW_PROBE_ZENER // uncomment #define ZENER_VOLTAGE_MIN 1000 /* min. voltage in mV */ #define ZENER_VOLTAGE_MAX 33000 /* max. voltage in mV */ // ADJUST after fully programmed, so that zener is not autodetected on initial startup #define HW_IR_RECEIVER // uncomment only if you're going to use it #define HW_ADJUST_CAP // uncomment #define SW_POWER_OFF //////// below are all optional (but some disabling may be mandatory for smaller chips) //#define SW_IR_RECEIVER // requires HW mod, saves flash if off //#define SW_SQUAREWAVE // requires HW mod, saves flash if off //#define SW_PWM_SIMPLE // requires HW mod, saves flash if off //#define HW_IR_RECEIVER // leave commented if you want any of these options: #define SW_R_E96_CC /* E96 1% tolerance, color-code */ #define SW_C_E12_T /* E12 10% tolerance, text */ #define SW_L_E12_T /* E12 10% tolerance, text */ #define SW_HFE_CURRENT #define SW_MONITOR_R /* just R */ #define SW_MONITOR_C /* just C plus ESR */ //////// these will fit with HW_IR_RECEIVER still on: #define SW_ESR_TOOL #define SW_CAP_LEAKAGE #define SW_REVERSE_HFE //////// Below are optional UI/UX changes #define UI_AUTOHOLD #define UI_HEX_UPPERCASE #define POWER_OFF_TIMEOUT 60 #define UI_COLORED_TITLES #define UI_COLORED_CURSOR
. remove the#if 0
around theST7735
block, and re-add the#if 0
around theILI9342
block. Then, modify all these lines:#define LCD_RES PB4 /* port pin used for /RESX (optional) */ //#define LCD_CS PB4 /* port pin used for /CSX (optional) */ #define LCD_DC PB5 /* port pin used for D/CX */ #define LCD_SCL PB7 /* port pin used for SCL */ #define LCD_SDA PB6 /* port pin used for SDA */ #define LCD_OFFSET_X 2 /* enable x offset of 2 or 4 dots */ #define LCD_OFFSET_Y 1 /* enable y offset of 1 or 2 dots */ #define LCD_FLIP_X /* enable horizontal flip */ //#define LCD_FLIP_Y /* enable vertical flip */ #define LCD_LATE_ON /* turn on LCD after clearing it */ //#define SPI_HARDWARE /* hardware SPI */ #define SPI_BITBANG #define SPI_PORT LCD_PORT /*SPI port data register*/ #define SPI_DDR LCD_DDR /*SPI port data direction register*/ #define SPI_SCK LCD_SCL /*port pin used for SCK*/ #define SPI_MOSI LCD_SDA /*port pin used for MOSI*/ // // then farther down // #define TP_ZENER PA4 /* test pin for 10:1 voltage divider */ #define TP_REF PA3 /* test pin for 2.5V reference and relay */ #define TP_BAT PA5 /* test pin for battery (4:1 voltage divider) */ #define TP_CAP PA7 /* test pin for self-adjustment cap */ // #define R_PORT PORTC /* port data register */ #define R_DDR DDRC /* port data direction register */ #define R_RL_1 PC0 /* Rl (680R) for test pin #1 */ #define R_RH_1 PC1 /* Rh (470k) for test pin #1 */ #define R_RL_2 PC2 /* Rl (680R) for test pin #2 */ #define R_RH_2 PC3 /* Rh (470k) for test pin #2 */ #define R_RL_3 PC4 /* Rl (680R) for test pin #3 */ #define R_RH_3 PC5 /* Rh (470k) for test pin #3 */ // #define POWER_PORT PORTD /* port data register */ #define POWER_DDR DDRD /* port data direction register */ #define POWER_CTRL PD2 /* control pin (1: on / 0: off) */ // #define BUTTON_PORT PORTD /* port data register */ #define BUTTON_DDR DDRD /* port data direction register */ #define BUTTON_PIN PIND /* port input pins register */ #define TEST_BUTTON PD1 /* test/start push button (low active) */ ### #define IR_PORT PORTD /* port data register */ #define IR_DDR DDRD /* port data direction register */ #define IR_PIN PIND /* port input pins register */ #define IR_DATA PD3 /* data signal */ // #define ADJUST_PORT PORTC /* port data register */ #define ADJUST_DDR DDRC /* port data direction register */ #define ADJUST_RH PC6 /* Rh (470k) for fixed cap */
if you want to change the default title and cursor colours. I like:#define COLOR_TITLE COLOR_STEEL_BLUE #define COLOR_CURSOR COLOR_STEEL_BLUE
Create file called
with the following contents:programmer parent "avrftdi" id = "tigard"; desc = "Tigard interface board"; usbdev = "B"; sck = 0; mosi = 1; miso = 2; reset = 5; ;
apt install -y gcc-avr avr-libc avrdude
and make sure all percentages (Program, Data, EEPROM) are < 100%. If not, disable some features andmake
again. -
Disconnect Tigard from USB. Set Tigard VTGT to 5V, then connect tigard as follows at J4, diagram is from underside of board (not LCD side)
make upload
- if this fails, disable more features,make
, andmake upload
again. -
make fuses
Reconnect the battery, connect a micro-USB power source, and test by:
Turn it on (press Start once)
After the first detect, double-press Start to open the menu
Short-press until you reach the Test option, then long-press
Connect all 3 probes together (1, 2, 3) and let it complete 4 tests
Then remove short circuit and let it finish
If test succeeds, run the Adjustment (same process) and then run Save to slot 1. This will get loaded on every power cycle.
You're done!