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Created June 19, 2011 13:16
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Save wojtha/1034262 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PHP Syntax Check for Git pre-commit hook for Windows PowerShell
# PHP Syntax Check for Git pre-commit hook for Windows PowerShell
# Author: Vojtech Kusy <[email protected]>
# Place the code to file "pre-commit" (no extension) and add it to the one of
# the following locations:
# 1) Repository hooks folder - C:\Path\To\Repository\.git\hooks
# 2) User profile template - C:\Users\<USER>\.git\templates\hooks
# 3) Global shared templates - C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\share\git-core\templates\hooks
# The hooks from user profile or from shared templates are copied from there
# each time you create or clone new repository.
### SETTINGS ###
# Path to the php.exe
$php_exe = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\ZendServer\bin\php.exe";
# Extensions of the PHP files
$php_ext = "php|engine|theme|install|inc|module|test"
# Flag, if set to 1 git will unstage all files with errors, se to 0 to disable
$unstage_on_error = 0;
function php_syntax_check {
param([string]$php_bin, [string]$extensions, [int]$reset)
$err_counter = 0;
write-host "Pre-commit PHP syntax check:" -foregroundcolor "white"
git diff-index --name-only --cached HEAD -- | foreach {
if ($_ -match ".*\.($extensions)$") {
$file = $matches[0];
$errors = & $php_bin -l $file
if ($errors -match "No syntax errors detected in $file") {
write-host $file ": OK" -foregroundcolor "green"
else {
write-host $file ":" $errors -foregroundcolor "red"
if ($reset) {
git reset -q HEAD $file
write-host "Unstaging" $file "..." -foregroundcolor "magenta"
if ($err_counter -gt 0) {
exit 1
### MAIN ###
php_syntax_check $php_exe $php_ext $unstage_on_error
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plutov commented Aug 17, 2014

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