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[WordPress][Backlog API] CF7 to Backlog
Plugin Name: WP CF7 to Backlog
Plugin URI:
Author: wokamoto
Version: 0.0.1
include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-IXR.php' );
include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-http-ixr-client.php');
// new cf7_to_backlog('backlog_spacename', 'backlog_user', 'backlog_passwd', 'backlog_projectkey', (int)backlog_userid);
class cf7_to_backlog {
const API_URL = '';
const DEFAULT_TITLE = 'CF7 からの問い合わせ';
private $ixr;
private $backlog_api;
private $backlog_user;
private $backlog_pass;
private $backlog_project;
private $backlog_assignerId;
function __construct( $space_name, $user, $pass, $project_key, $assigner = null ){
add_filter ( 'http_request_args', array($this, 'http_request_args'), 10, 2 );
$this->backlog_api = sprintf(self::API_URL, $space_name);
$this->backlog_user = $user;
$this->backlog_pass = $pass;
$this->ixr = new WP_HTTP_IXR_Client($this->backlog_api);
$this->backlog_project = $this->get_project_id($project_key);
$this->backlog_assignerId = apply_filters('cf7_to_backlog::assigner', intval($assigner));
add_action( 'wpcf7_submit', array($this, 'wpcf7_backlog_submit'), 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'cf7_to_backlog::summary', array($this, 'issue_title') );
private function get_project_id( $project_key ){
$this->ixr->query('backlog.getProject', $project_key);
if ( $this->ixr->isError() )
return new WP_Error('get_project_id', $this->ixr->getErrorMessage());
$res = $this->ixr->getResponse();
? new WP_Error('get_project_id', 'unknown error')
: intval($res['id']);
private function create_issue($args = array()){
$args['projectId'] = $this->backlog_project;
$args['assignerId']= $this->backlog_assignerId;
$args['summary'] = apply_filters( 'cf7_to_backlog::summary', isset($args['summary']) ? $args['summary'] : self::DEFAULT_TITLE );
$args['due_date'] = apply_filters( 'cf7_to_backlog::due_date', date("Ymd",strtotime("+1 day")) );
$args['issueType'] = apply_filters( 'cf7_to_backlog::issueType', 'タスク' );
$this->ixr->query('backlog.createIssue', $args);
if ( $this->ixr->isError() )
return new WP_Error('create_issue', $this->ixr->getErrorMessage());
return $this->ixr->getResponse();
public function issue_title($summary) {
$summary != '[your-subject]'
? $summary
public function http_request_args( $args, $url ) {
if ( false !== strpos($url, $this->backlog_api) ) {
$args['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Basic '. base64_encode("{$this->backlog_user}:{$this->backlog_pass}");
return $args;
public function wpcf7_backlog_submit( $contactform, $result ) {
$cases = (array) apply_filters( 'cf7_to_backlog::submit_if', array( 'mail_sent', 'mail_failed' ) );
if ( empty( $result['status'] ) || ! in_array( $result['status'], $cases ) )
if ( empty( $contactform->posted_data ) )
$fields_senseless = $contactform->form_scan_shortcode(
array( 'type' => array( 'captchar', 'quiz', 'acceptance' ) ) );
$exclude_names = array();
foreach ( $fields_senseless as $tag )
$exclude_names[] = $tag['name'];
$posted_data = $contactform->posted_data;
foreach ( $posted_data as $key => $value ) {
if ( '_' == substr( $key, 0, 1 ) || in_array( $key, $exclude_names ) )
unset( $posted_data[$key] );
$email = $this->wpcf7_get_value( 'email', $contactform );
$name = $this->wpcf7_get_value( 'name', $contactform );
$subject = $this->wpcf7_get_value( 'subject', $contactform );
$special_mail_tags = array( 'remote_ip', 'user_agent', 'url', 'date', 'time',
'post_id', 'post_name', 'post_title', 'post_url', 'post_author', 'post_author_email' );
$akismet = isset( $contactform->akismet ) ? (array) $contactform->akismet : null;
$content = '';
$fields = $this->array_flatten( $posted_data );
$fields = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', $fields ) );
$content = implode( "\n", $fields );
'summary' => $subject,
'description' => $content,
private function wpcf7_get_value( $field, $contactform ) {
if ( empty( $field ) || empty( $contactform ) )
return false;
$value = '';
if ( in_array( $field, array( 'email', 'name', 'subject' ) ) ) {
$templates = $contactform->additional_setting( 'flamingo_' . $field );
if ( empty( $templates[0] ) ) {
$template = sprintf( '[your-%s]', $field );
} else {
$template = trim( wpcf7_strip_quote( $templates[0] ) );
$value = $contactform->replace_mail_tags( $template );
$value = apply_filters( 'cf7_to_backlog::wpcf7_get_value', $value, $field, $contactform );
return $value;
private function array_flatten( $input ) {
if ( ! is_array( $input ) )
return array( $input );
$output = array();
foreach ( $input as $value )
$output = array_merge( $output, $this->array_flatten( $value ) );
return $output;
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wokamoto commented Feb 7, 2014


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