110 Punkte erreichbar / 100 bewertet
- Security Goals
- Human Factor
- Internet General Structure
- Attack Types
- Risk Analysis
- History
- Fingerprinting
- Types
- Tools (no parameters, but what do they do / what techniques)
- Hash Functions
- Common Attacks
- Cracking
- Tools
- Rainbow Tables
- Password Criteria
- Alternative Auth Schemas
- OSI / TCPIP Stack
- ARP Spoofing / Broadcast
- FTP Bouncing
- DNS Spoofing / Poisining
- SMTP Relay
- SSL Man in the Middle
- IP Bombing
- SYN Flooding
- ICMP Routing
- Ping of Death
- Buffer Overflow
- Stack Layout / Intel Assembler
- Countermeasures / Mitigations
- Teardrop
- Knowledge
- Creativity
- Imagination