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Last active February 4, 2023 10:25
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quick cmd runner for ops framework
import subprocess
import textwrap
import time
import typing
import weakref
from ops import model
from ops import pebble
import uuid
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Unknown return code is a large negative number outside the usual range of a
# process exit code
class ContainerProcess(object):
"""A process that has finished running.
This is returned by an invocation to run(...) method
:param container: the container the process was running in
:type container: model.Container
:param process_name: the name of the process the container is running as
:type process_name: str
:param tmp_dir: the dir containing the location of process files
:type tmp_dir: str
def __init__(self, container: model.Container, process_name: str,
tmp_dir: str):
self.container = weakref.proxy(container)
self.process_name = process_name
self._returncode = RETURN_CODE_UNKNOWN
self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir
self.stdout_file = f'{tmp_dir}/{process_name}.stdout'
self.stderr_file = f'{tmp_dir}/{process_name}.stderr'
self._env = dict()
self.env_file = f'{tmp_dir}/{process_name}.env'
self.rc_file = f'{tmp_dir}/{process_name}.rc'
self._cleaned = False
def stdout(self) -> typing.Union[typing.BinaryIO, typing.TextIO]:
return self.container.pull(f'{self.stdout_file}')
def stderr(self) -> typing.Union[typing.BinaryIO, typing.TextIO]:
return self.container.pull(f'{self.stderr_file}')
def env(self) -> typing.Dict[str, str]:
if self._env:
return self._env
with self.container.pull(f'{self.env_file}') as f:
for env_vars in'\n'):
key_values = env_vars.split(b'=', 1)
self._env[key_values[0]] = key_values[1]
return self._env
def returncode(self) -> int:
if self._returncode == RETURN_CODE_UNKNOWN:
self._returncode = self._get_returncode()
return self._returncode
def _get_returncode(self):
"""Reads the contents of the returncode file"""
with self.container.pull(f'{self.rc_file}') as text:
return int(
except pebble.PathError:
# If the rc file doesn't exist within the container, then the
# process is either running or failed without capturing output
def completed(self) -> bool:
return self._returncode != RETURN_CODE_UNKNOWN
def check_returncode(self):
"""Raise CalledProcessError if the exit code is non-zero."""
if self.returncode:
stdout = None
stderr = None
stdout =
except pebble.PathError:
stderr =
except pebble.PathError:
raise CalledProcessError(self.returncode, self.process_name,
stdout, stderr)
def wait(self, timeout: int = 30) -> None:
"""Waits for the process to complete.
Waits for the process to complete. If the process has not completed
within the timeout specified, this method will raise a TimeoutExpired
:param timeout: the number of seconds to wait before timing out
:type timeout: int
timeout_at = time.time() + timeout
while not self.completed and time.time() < timeout_at:
self._returncode = self._get_returncode()
if self.completed:
except pebble.PathError:
# This happens while the process is still running
# Sleep a moment and try again
raise TimeoutExpired(self.process_name, timeout)
def cleanup(self) -> None:
"""Clean up process files left on the container.
Attempts to cleanup the process artifacts left on the container. This
will remove the directory containing the stdout, stderr, rc and env
files generated.
:raises pebble.PathError: when the path has already been cleand up.
if self._cleaned:
self.container.remove_path(f'{self.tmp_dir}', recursive=True)
def __del__(self):
"""On destruction of this process, we'll attempt to clean up left over
process files.
except pebble.PathError:
class ContainerProcessError(Exception):
"""Base class for exceptions raised within this module."""
class CalledProcessError(ContainerProcessError):
"""Raised when an error occurs running a process in a container and
the check=True has been passed to raise an error on failure.
:param returncode: the exit code from the program
:type returncode: int
:param cmd: the command that was run
:type cmd: str or list
:param stdout: the output of the command on standard out
:type stdout: str
:param stderr: the output of the command on standard err
:type stderr: str
def __init__(self, returncode: int, cmd: typing.Union[str, list],
stdout: str = None, stderr: str = None):
self.returncode = returncode
self.cmd = cmd
self.stdout = stdout
self.stderr = stderr
class TimeoutExpired(ContainerProcessError):
"""This exception is raised when the timeout expires while waiting for a
container process.
:param cmd: the command that was run
:type cmd: list
:param timeout: the configured timeout for the command
:type timeout: int
def __init__(self, cmd: typing.Union[str, list], timeout: int):
self.cmd = cmd
self.timeout = timeout
def __str__(self):
return f"Command '{self.cmd}' timed out after {self.timeout} seconds"
def run(container: model.Container, args: typing.List[str],
timeout: int = 30, check: bool = False,
env: dict = None, service_name: str = None) -> ContainerProcess:
"""Run command with arguments in the specified container.
Run a command in the specified container and returns a
subprocess.CompletedProcess instance containing the command which
was run (args), returncode, and stdout and stderr. When the check
option is True and the process exits with a non-zero exit code, a
CalledProcessError will be raised containing the cmd, returncode,
stdout and stderr.
:param container: the container to run the command in
:type container: model.Container
:param args: the command to run in the container
:type args: str or list
:param timeout: the timeout of the process in seconds
:type timeout: int
:param check: when True, raise an exception on a non-zero exit code
:type check: bool
:param env: environment variables to pass to the process
:type env: dict
:param service_name: name of the service
:type service_name: str
:returns: CompletedProcess the completed process
:rtype: ContainerProcess
if not container:
raise ValueError('container cannot be None')
if not isinstance(container, model.Container):
raise ValueError('container must be of type ops.model.Container, '
f'not of type {type(container)}')
if isinstance(args, str):
if service_name is None:
service_name = args.split(' ')[0]
service_name = service_name.split('/')[-1]
cmdline = args
elif isinstance(args, list):
if service_name is None:
service_name = args[0].split('/')[-1]
cmdline = subprocess.list2cmdline(args)
raise ValueError('args are expected to be a str or a list of str.'
f' Provided {type(args)}')
tmp_dir = f'/tmp/{service_name}-{str(uuid.uuid4()).split("-")[0]}'
process = ContainerProcess(container, service_name, tmp_dir)
command = f"""\
mkdir -p {tmp_dir}
echo $(env) > {process.env_file}
{cmdline} 2> {process.stderr_file} 1> {process.stdout_file}
echo $rc > {process.rc_file}
exit $rc
command = textwrap.dedent(command)
container.push(path=f'/tmp/{service_name}.sh', source=command,
encoding='utf-8', permissions=0o755)
logger.debug(f'Adding layer for {service_name} to run command '
container.add_layer('process_layer', {
'summary': 'container process runner',
'description': 'layer for running single-shot commands (kinda)',
'services': {
service_name: {
'override': 'replace',
'summary': cmdline,
'command': f'/tmp/{service_name}.sh',
'startup': 'disabled',
'environment': env or {},
}, combine=True)
timeout_at = time.time() + timeout
# Start the service which will run the command.
logger.debug(f'Starting {service_name} via pebble')
# TODO(wolsen) this is quite naughty, but the container object
# doesn't provide us access to the pebble layer to specify
# timeouts and such. Some commands may need a longer time to
# start, and as such I'm using the private internal reference
# in order to be able to specify the timeout itself.
container._pebble.start_services([service_name], # noqa
except pebble.ChangeError as e:
# Check to see if the command has timed out and if so, raise
# the TimeoutExpired.
if time.time() >= timeout_at:
logger.error(f'Command {cmdline} could not start out after '
f'{timeout} seconds in container '
raise TimeoutExpired(args, timeout)
# Note, this could be expected.
logger.exception(f'Error running {service_name}', e)
logger.debug('Waiting for process completion...')
# It appears that pebble services are still active after the command
# has finished. Feels like a bug, but let's stop it.
service = container.get_service(service_name)
if service.is_running():
except pebble.ChangeError as e:
# Eat the change error that might occur. This was a best effort
# attempt to ensure the process is stopped
logger.exception(f'Failed to stop service {service_name}', e)
if check:
return process
def call(container: model.Container, args: typing.Union[str, list],
env: dict = None, timeout: int = 30) -> int:
"""Runs a command in the container.
The command will run until the process completes (either normally or
abnormally) or until the timeout expires.
:param container: the container to run the command in
:type container: model.Container
:param args: arguments to pass to the commandline
:type args: str or list of strings
:param env: environment variables for the process
:type env: dictionary of environment variables
:param timeout: number of seconds the command should complete in before
timing out
:type timeout: int
:returns: the exit code of the process
:rtype: int
return run(container, args, env=env, timeout=timeout).returncode
def check_call(container: model.Container, args: typing.Union[str, list],
env: dict = None, timeout: int = 30,
service_name: str = None) -> None:
run(container, args, env=env, check=True, timeout=timeout,
def check_output(container: model.Container, args: typing.Union[str, list],
env: dict = None, timeout: int = 30,
service_name: str = None) -> str:
process = run(container, args, env=env, check=True, timeout=timeout,
with process.stdout as stdout:
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