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Forked from abranhe/minifier.php
Created July 2, 2021 10:11
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WordPress Minifier
* W3C Fix and HTML minifier
* Nobody knows how this work, so don't touch it!!!
add_action('wp_loaded', 'outputBufferStart');
add_action('shutdown', 'outputBufferEnd');
function outputBufferStart()
function outputBufferEnd()
* Minify HTML output.
function minify($buffer)
if (!is_admin() && !(defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX)) {
// Remove type from Javascript and CSS.
$buffer = preg_replace("%[ ]type=[\'\"]text\/(javascript|css)[\'\"]%", '', $buffer);
// Add alt attribute to images where not exists.
$buffer = preg_replace('%(<img(?!.*?alt=([\'"]).*?\2)[^>]*?)(/?>)%', '$1 alt="" $3', $buffer);
$buffer = preg_replace('%\s+alt="%', ' alt="', $buffer);
// Clear <head> tag.
$buffer = preg_replace_callback('/(?=<head(.*?)>)(.*?)(?<=<\/head>)/s', 'cleanHTML', $buffer);
// Clear <body>.
$buffer = preg_replace_callback('/(?=<body(.*?)>)(.*?)(?<=<\/body>)/s', 'cleanHTML', $buffer);
// Clear <scripts>
$buffer = preg_replace_callback('/(?=<script(.*?)>)(.*?)(?<=<\/script>)/s', 'cleanJavascript', $buffer);
// Clear <styles>
$buffer = preg_replace_callback('/(?=<style(.*?)>)(.*?)(?<=<\/style>)/s', 'cleanCSS', $buffer);
// Clean between <head> and <body> tags.
$buffer = preg_replace("%</head>([\s\t\n\r]+)<body%", '</head><body', $buffer);
// Clean between body and <html> tags.
$buffer = preg_replace("%</body>([\s\t\n\r]+)</html>%", '</body></html>', $buffer);
// Clean between <html> and <head>
$buffer = preg_replace("%<html(.*?)>([\s\t\n\r]+)<head%", '<html$1><head', $buffer);
return $buffer;
* Clean HTML.
function cleanHTML($matches)
return preg_replace([
'/<!--(?!\s*(?:\[if [^\]]+]|<!|>))(?:(?!-->).)*-->/s',
'/\>[^\S ]+/s',
'/[^\S ]+\</s',
], ['', '>', '<', '><'], $matches[2]);
* Clean scripts.
function cleanJavascript($matches)
return preg_replace([
], [
'}else if(',
" $1 ",
'$' . "($1)",
"$1 ($2) {",
], $matches[2]);
* Clean styles.
function cleanCSS($matches)
return preg_replace([
], [
'$1$2{$5} ',
], $matches[2]);
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