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Add option for add-on item to WooCommerce cart - A simple way to allow customers add gift wrap or other small add-on to their order.
Plugin Name: Add option for add-on item to WooCommerce cart
Plugin URI:
Description: A simple way to allow customers add gift wrap or other small add-on to their order.
Author: Damien Carbery
Version: 0.2
// Return product ID of the optional product.
function get_optional_product_id() {
return 7923;
// Add option to add Gift Tag/Ribbon to an order.
// Inspired by
add_action('woocommerce_cart_totals_after_shipping', 'dcwd_gift_wrap_option_after_cart');
//add_action('woocommerce_review_order_before_cart_contents', 'dcwd_gift_wrap_option_after_cart'); // Show in checkout.
function dcwd_gift_wrap_option_after_cart() {
$enable_popup = true; // Whether to create a popup with a photo and description of the gift wrap option.
// If this code is used in the checkout then prettyPhoto will not work because the 'Your Order' section
// is reloaded with ajax and the prettyPhoto init code won't find the prettyPhoto link.
if ( is_checkout() ) {
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'dcwd_trigger_prettyphoto_in_checkout' );
$found = false;
$product_cart_id = WC()->cart->generate_cart_id( get_optional_product_id() );
// Returns an empty string, if the cart item is not found
$found = WC()->cart->find_product_in_cart( $product_cart_id );
// Initialise these in case the product cannot be accessed.
$product_name = '';
$product_short_description = '';
$product_full_description = '';
$gift_product = wc_get_product( get_optional_product_id() );
if ( $gift_product ) {
$product_name = $gift_product->get_name();
$product_image = wp_get_attachment_image_url( $gift_product->get_image_id(), 'woocommerce_single' );
$product_short_description = get_the_excerpt( $gift_product->get_id() );
$product_full_description = apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content( null, false, $gift_product->get_id() ) );
$ribbon_product_price = $gift_product->get_price_html();
else {
$product_image = esc_url( wc_placeholder_img_src( 'woocommerce_single' ) );
$ribbon_product_price = '&euro;1';
if ( $enable_popup ) {
// Use prettyPhoto lightbox that is part of WooCommerce (though deprecated).
wp_enqueue_script( 'prettyPhoto' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'prettyPhoto-init' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'woocommerce_prettyPhoto_css' );
// Or use the very old Thickbox that is part of WordPress.
$gift_wrap_markup = sprintf( '<a id="gift-tag-popup thickbox" data-rel="prettyPhoto" href="%s" title="%s">%s <span class="dashicons dashicons-info"></span></a>',
$product_image, $product_full_description, $product_name );
else {
$gift_wrap_markup = $product_name;
<tr class="ribbon">
<th><?php echo $gift_wrap_markup; ?></th>
// If product not found, add it.
if ( ! $found ) {
<a href="<?php echo do_shortcode(sprintf('[add_to_cart_url id="%d"]', get_optional_product_id())); ?>"><?php echo $product_short_description; ?></a> (+<?php echo $ribbon_product_price; ?>)
<?php } else { ?>
<?php }
// Make 'Order notes' a required field if the gift wrap product is in the cart.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'dcwd_make_order_notes_required' );
function dcwd_make_order_notes_required( $fields ) {
if ( array_key_exists( 'order', $fields ) ) {
$product_cart_id = WC()->cart->generate_cart_id( get_optional_product_id() );
if ( WC()->cart->find_product_in_cart( $product_cart_id ) ) {
$fields[ 'order' ][ 'order_comments' ][ 'required' ] = true;
return $fields;
// Add a message on checkout page to remind customers with the gift wrap to include info in the Order Notes field.
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form', 'dcwd_order_notes_reminder' );
function dcwd_order_notes_reminder() {
$product_cart_id = WC()->cart->generate_cart_id( get_optional_product_id() );
if ( WC()->cart->find_product_in_cart( $product_cart_id ) ) {
jQuery(function( $ ){
if ( '' == $( '#order_comments' ).val() ) {
alert( "Don't forget to add your Gift Tag & Ribbon message to the 'Order notes' section." );
// If this code is used in the checkout then prettyPhoto will not work because the 'Your Order' section
// is reloaded with ajax and the prettyPhoto init code won't find the prettyPhoto link.
function dcwd_trigger_prettyphoto_in_checkout() {
jQuery('body').on('updated_checkout', function(){
jQuery("a.zoom, a[data-rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto({
hook: 'data-rel',
social_tools: false,
theme: 'pp_woocommerce',
horizontal_padding: 20,
opacity: 0.8,
deeplinking: false
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