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Forked from vielhuber/index.php
Created October 27, 2022 08:38
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split get content before / after read more tag outside loop #php #wordpress
// with wordpress native functions
echo get_extended($p->post_content)['main'];
echo get_extended($p->post_content)['extended'];
// with own function (wordpress own function has problems with enabled p tags)
function wp_split_more($content, $type, $more_html = null)
$return = [
'before' => null,
'after' => null
// split up
if (preg_match('/<!--more(.*?)?-->/', $content, $matches)) {
list($return['before'], $return['after']) = explode($matches[0], $content, 2);
} else {
$return['before'] = $content;
$return['after'] = '';
// clean up
// remove gutenberg tags
foreach (['before', 'after'] as $g1__value) {
foreach (['/', ''] as $g2__value) {
foreach (['wp:paragraph', 'wp:more', 'wp:html', 'wp:tadv/classic-paragraph'] as $g3__value) {
$return[$g1__value] = str_replace(
'<!-- ' . $g2__value . '' . $g3__value . ' -->',
foreach ($return as $return__key => $return__value) {
// remove whitespace
$return[$return__key] = trim(preg_replace('/^[\s]*(.*)[\s]*$/', '\\1', $return[$return__key]));
// remove all opening tags
foreach (['<p></p>', '<p>', '</p>'] as $tags__value) {
if (mb_strpos($return[$return__key], $tags__value) === 0) {
$return[$return__key] = trim(mb_substr($return[$return__key], mb_strlen($tags__value)));
// remove all closing tags
foreach (['<p></p>', '<p>', '</p>'] as $tags__value) {
if (
mb_strrpos($return[$return__key], $tags__value) ===
mb_strlen($return[$return__key]) - mb_strlen($tags__value)
) {
$return[$return__key] = trim(
mb_substr($return[$return__key], 0, mb_strlen($return[$return__key]) - mb_strlen($tags__value))
// add more tag
if ($more_html !== null && $return['after'] !== '') {
$return['before'] = $return['before'] . '' . $more_html;
// add opening / closing p-tags
foreach ($return as $return__key => $return__value) {
if ($return[$return__key] == '') {
$return[$return__key] =
(mb_strpos($return[$return__key], '<p') !== 0 ? '<p>' : '') .
$return[$return__key] .
(mb_strrpos($return[$return__key], '</p>') !== mb_strlen($return[$return__key]) - mb_strlen('</p>')
? '</p>'
: '');
return $return[$type];
// example usage
echo '<div class="content">';
echo '<div class="before">';
echo wp_split_more(get_post_field('post_content', get_the_ID()), 'before', '<a href="'.get_permalink(get_the_ID()).'" class="more">&gt;&gt;&gt;</a>');
echo '</div>';
if( wp_split_more(get_post_field('post_content', get_the_ID()), 'after') !== null && wp_split_more(get_post_field('post_content', get_the_ID()), 'after') != "" ) {
echo '<div class="after">';
echo wp_split_more(get_post_field('post_content', get_the_ID()), 'after');
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
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