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Created December 8, 2016 02:44
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'use strict';
var mountFolder = function (connect, dir) {
return connect.static(require('path').resolve(dir));
var webpackDistConfig = require('./webpack.dist.config.js'),
webpackDevConfig = require('./webpack.config.js');
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Let *load-grunt-tasks* require everything
// Read configuration from package.json
var pkgConfig = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json');
pkg: pkgConfig,
webpack: {
options: webpackDistConfig,
dist: {
cache: false
'webpack-dev-server': {
options: {
hot: true,
port: 8000,
webpack: webpackDevConfig,
publicPath: '/assets/',
contentBase: './<%= pkg.src %>/'
start: {
keepAlive: true
connect: {
options: {
port: 8000
dist: {
options: {
keepalive: true,
middleware: function (connect) {
return [
mountFolder(connect, pkgConfig.dist)
open: {
options: {
delay: 500
dev: {
path: 'http://localhost:<%= connect.options.port %>/webpack-dev-server/'
dist: {
path: 'http://localhost:<%= connect.options.port %>/'
karma: {
unit: {
configFile: 'karma.conf.js'
copy: {
dist: {
files: [
// includes files within path
flatten: true,
expand: true,
src: ['<%= pkg.src %>/*'],
dest: '<%= pkg.dist %>/',
filter: 'isFile'
flatten: true,
expand: true,
src: ['<%= pkg.src %>/images/*'],
dest: '<%= pkg.dist %>/images/'
clean: {
dist: {
files: [{
dot: true,
src: [
'<%= pkg.dist %>'
grunt.registerTask('serve', function (target) {
if (target === 'dist') {
return['build', 'open:dist', 'connect:dist']);
grunt.registerTask('test', ['karma']);
grunt.registerTask('build', ['clean', 'copy', 'webpack']);
grunt.registerTask('default', []);
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