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Last active November 14, 2024 16:19
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Absinthe enums from Ecto enums
@doc """
Takes a list of Ecto.Enum fields and converts them into Absinthe enum
## Usage
The list consists of tuples with the name of the GraphQL enum, the Ecto schema
module and the schema field using `Ecto.Enum`.
use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
import ModuleThatDefinesMacro
{:type_name, MyApp.SomeSchema, :some_field}
defmacro absinthe_enums_from_ecto_enums(enums) when is_list(enums) do
for {_, _, [name, module, field]} <- enums do
module = Macro.expand(module, __CALLER__)
values = Ecto.Enum.values(module, field)
quote do
enum(unquote(name), values: unquote(values))
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