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Arts / 2016 Adelaide Fringe Festival
Arts / 2016 Perth Fringe World Festival
Arts / 2018 Adelaide Fringe Festival
Arts / Architecture
Arts / Architecture / Developing Canberra
Arts / Art groups
Arts / Art groups / Victoria
Arts / Arts development organisations
Arts / Arts development organisations / New South Wales
wragge / marc_geographicareas.csv
Last active January 3, 2024 05:52
MARC Geographic Areas mapped to WikiData
code place wikidata_label wikidata_id coordinates iso_country_code iso_numeric_country_code geonames_id
a Asia Asia Q48 43.681111111111115,87.33111111111111 6255147
a-af Afghanistan Afghanistan Q889 33,66 AF 004 1149361
a-ai Armenia (Republic) Armenia Q399 40.383333,44.95 AM 051 174982
a-aj Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Q227 40.3,47.7 AZ 031 587116
a-ba Bahrain Bahrain Q398 26.0675,50.551111 BH 048 290291
a-bg Bangladesh Bangladesh Q902 24.016667,89.866667 BD 050 1210997
a-bn Borneo Borneo Q36117 -1,114 ID|MY|BN 360|458|096 1648148|1641903
a-br Burma Myanmar Q836 22,96 MM 104 1327865
a-bt Bhutan Bhutan Q917 27.45,90.5 BT 064 1252634
wragge / ro-crate-metadata.json
Created August 31, 2023 06:57
Sample of a RO-Crate file created by the Trove Newspaper and Gazetter Harvester
"@context": "",
"@graph": [
"@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
"@type": "CreativeWork",
"about": {
"@id": "./"
"conformsTo": {
wragge / recordsearch-functions.txt
Created May 10, 2022 11:21
This is the hierarchy of agency functions currently in use in RecordSearch.
- government accommodation and catering
- fleet
- freight
- goods and services
- property management
-- acquisition
-- leasing
-- maintenance
- removals
wragge /
Last active November 13, 2021 05:41
Feedback on the revised draft plan for Trove advanced research tools under the HASS Research Data Commons program

Feedback on the updated draft plan for Trove advanced research tools

Submitted by Dr Tim Sherratt (GLAM Workbench and University of Canberra)

Do you think this proposal meets the requirements?

Additional notes on the two versions of the draft plan can be found here and here.

The current investment in the HASS Research Data Commons is part of a long-term program of capability development across the HASS sector. This is reflected in the evaluation criteria for project plans that emphasises ‘maximisation of the use or re-use of existing research infrastructure’, ‘integrated infrastructure layers with other HASS RDC activities’, collaboration, ‘research leadership’, and ‘a demonstrated commitment to ongoing community development’.

The NLA plan for a Trove Advanced Platform is narrowly focused on the development of the Library’s own systems. The redrafted plan intr

wragge /
Last active September 27, 2021 03:31
Feedback on the draft plan for Trove advanced research tools under the HASS Research Data Commons program

Feedback on the draft plan for Trove advanced research tools

Submitted by Dr Tim Sherratt (GLAM Workbench and University of Canberra)

Do you think this proposal meets the requirements?

I’ve provided more detailed feedback on the proposal in this post.

Unfortunately I don’t think this proposal meets the requirements. A comparison with the other project plans is quite stark. While the other plans will establish collaborative processes, involving multiple partners, that will deliver a range of outcomes, this plan proposes to develop a small number of products with minimal consultation. No justification is given for prioritising these products; no indication is provided as to how they might integrate with other research infrastructure; no strategy is outlined for sustaining these products; no explanation is offered as to how this plan could help build a framework for future infrastructure development and collaboration. My concern is

wragge / naa_tas_series.csv
Created July 2, 2021 01:16
Series held by the National Archives of Australia's Tasmanian office
identifier title contents_date_str contents_start_date contents_end_date location quantity described_note described_total digitised_total access_open_total access_owe_total access_closed_total access_nye_total
A40 Volumes of duplicate Certificates of Naturalization 01 Jan 1904 - 31 Dec 1917 1904-01-01 1917-12-31 TAS 0.13 All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch. 36 36 36 0 0 0
A376 Correspondence Files T Series TAS 0.36 Click to see items listed on RecordSearch. Please contact the National Reference Service if you can't find the record you want as not all items from the series may be on RecordSearch. 16 2 15 1 0 0
A396 Alien Registration Papers - Chinese, Tasmania TAS 0.9 All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch. 293 285 293 0 0 0
A401 Records of Aliens 1914 - 1919 1914 1919 TAS 0.36 All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch. 767 767 767 0 0 0
A403 Correspondence Files, C Series TAS 0.03 All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch. 10 0 10 0 0 0
wragge /
Last active May 7, 2021 02:12
A list of digitised newspaper titles in Trove, showing approximately when they became available (based on web archive captures).