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Created March 15, 2021 02:17
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Elisp related to text-mode menu part of 2021 March 5 Emacs SF Dmenu Demo by Mike Wright
;; Elisp related to text-mode menu part of 2021 March 5 Emacs SF Dmenu Demo by Mike Wright
;; Creating a new menu pane in the menu bar to the right of “Tools” menu
[menu-bar mymenu]
(cons "MyMenu" (make-sparse-keymap "mymenu mymenu"))
'tools )
;; Creating a menu item, under the menu by the id “[menu-bar mymenu]”
[menu-bar mymenu nl]
'("Next Line" . next-line))
;; creating another menu item
[menu-bar mymenu pl]
'("Previous Line" . previous-line))
[menu-bar mymenu kq]
'("quit" . keyboard-quit))
;; code to remove the whole menu panel
;; (global-unset-key [menu-bar mymenu])
;;(tmm-menubar) ;; text-mode menu - navigate with emacs keys, eg. C-p, C-n; enter to select;
;; or: M-` p n or q to move cursor up down or not at all.
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