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Last active March 29, 2024 01:06
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Linux on Macbook M1 (ARM64)

Linux on Macbook M1 using Apple virtualization

Tried with UTM but there is an issue with disk corruption. Until this is fixed in UTM I installed Ubuntu Linux using tart. Tart uses NVME.

  1. Install tart:
brew install cirruslabs/cli/tart
  1. I wanted the VM to be on an external SSD so needed to set the environment variable TART_HOME
# Set environment variable
TART_HOME=/Volumes/[path to VM folder] 
export TART_HOME

# Create linux VM with the name: [name]
tart create --linux [name]

# Install Ubuntu server
tart run --disk ~/Downloads/noble-live-server-arm64.iso [name]

# Run Ubuntu server 
tart run [name]

# In Ubuntu server, login and install Ubuntu desktop
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop
  1. For ease of starting the VM each time I created a small script and called it tart-start:
#! /bin/bash

TART_HOME=/Volumes/[path to VM folder] 
export TART_HOME
tart run [name]

Now I just do ./tart-start to start the VM

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