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Created February 1, 2022 01:17
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XForms repeats following XML document order.
<html xmlns="" xmlns:ev="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xf="" xmlns:xsi="">
<title>Insert with Origin</title>
<style type="text/css">
@namespace xf url("");
body {font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif}
<xf:instance id="i-rec">
<TEI xmlns="">
<handDesc hands="">
<handNote xml:id="" scope="" script="" mode="" quality="" medium="">
<p about="" style=""/>
<persName ref="" role=""/>
<placeName ref=""/>
<xf:instance id="i-elementTemplate">
<TEI xmlns="">
<persName ref="" role=""/>
<placeName ref=""/>
<metamark function=""/>
<locus from="" to=""/>
<origDate when="" notAfter="" notBefore=""/>
<xf:instance id="i-position">
<body style="margin:2em 10em;">
<div class="container">
<h2>Output in document order</h2>
<p>Outputs inputs in document/instance order. Adding a new p element always results in a p element added as the first child of tei:handNote, not as last, or after the current element.</p>
<xf:repeat ref="instance('i-rec')//*:handNote/*" id="handNote">
<xf:input ref=".">
<xf:output value="local-name(.)"/>
<xf:repeat ref="@*" id="atts">
<xf:input ref=".">
<xf:output value="local-name(.)"/>
<xf:trigger class="btn add" appearance="minimal">
<xf:label>new p</xf:label>
<xf:insert ev:event="DOMActivate"
ref="." at="." position="after"
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