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Last active October 10, 2024 13:05
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Ring and bar pendulums
// Ring and bar double pendulums
// Mathematics and Processing code by Waldeck Schützer (@infinitymathart)
import java.lang.Math;
boolean recording = false;
boolean use_border = true;
int FPS = 60;
int duration = 3*60;
float text_t = 20.0*3/2;
int num_rows = 5;
int num_cols = 5;
int border = 50;
float col_width, row_height;
float h_margin, v_margin;
float x_left, y_top;
float t = 0;
// Constants
float g = 9.8; // Gravitational acceleration
float L1 = 30; // Length of the bar
float L2 = 8; // Radius of the ring
float d = 1.0/3.0; // Distance of the first pivot along the bar (1/3 of the length of the bar)
float rho1 = 0.1; // Density of bar
float rho2 = 0.1; // Density of ring
float m1 = rho1*L1; // Mass of the bar
float m2 = rho2*TAU*L2; // Mass of the ring
int oversampling = recording ? 100 : 24;
// Moments of inertia
float I1 = (m1 * L1 * L1) / 9.0; // Moment of inertia of the bar around the pivot at 1/3 of its length
float I2 = m2 * L2 * L2; // Moment of inertia of the ring
PFont courier;
PFont times;
// Time step
float dt = 0.05;
float fac = 1.0;
int total_frames = duration * FPS;
class pendulum
// Initial conditions
double theta1 = 0; // Initial angle of the bar (with respect to vertical)
double theta2 = 0; // Initial angle of the ring (with respect to vertical)
double theta1_dot = 0; // Initial angular velocity of the bar
double theta2_dot = 0; // Initial angular velocity of the ring
float scl = 10*fac; // Drawing scale
float x0 = 0; // Pendulum position
float y0 = 0;
void step(double dt)
// Compute the current accelerations using the current state
double deltaTheta = theta1 - theta2;
// Compute accelerations for theta1 and theta2 based on current angles and velocities
double theta1_ddot = (-g * (2 * m1 + m2) * Math.sin(theta1)
- m2 * g * Math.sin(theta1 - 2 * theta2)
- 2 * Math.sin(deltaTheta) * m2 * (theta2_dot * theta2_dot * L2 + theta1_dot * theta1_dot * L1 * Math.cos(deltaTheta)))
/ I1;
double theta2_ddot = (2 * Math.sin(deltaTheta) * (theta1_dot * theta1_dot * L1 * (m1 + m2)
+ g * (m1 + m2) * Math.cos(theta1)
+ theta2_dot * theta2_dot * L2 * m2 * Math.cos(deltaTheta)))
/ I2;
// Predictor step: Use explicit velocity to estimate the new positions
double theta1_pred = theta1 + theta1_dot * dt + 0.5 * theta1_ddot * dt * dt;
double theta2_pred = theta2 + theta2_dot * dt + 0.5 * theta2_ddot * dt * dt;
// Corrector step: Iteratively solve for theta1_next and theta2_next
double theta1_next = theta1_pred;
double theta2_next = theta2_pred;
// Use an iterative solver (e.g., Newton's method or fixed-point iteration)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Compute new accelerations at the predicted future positions
double theta1_ddot_next = (-g * (2 * m1 + m2) * Math.sin(theta1_next)
- m2 * g * Math.sin(theta1_next - 2 * theta2_next)
- 2 * Math.sin(theta1_next - theta2_next) * m2 * (theta2_dot * theta2_dot * L2 + theta1_dot * theta1_dot * L1 * Math.cos(theta1_next - theta2_next)))
/ I1;
double theta2_ddot_next = (2 * Math.sin(theta1_next - theta2_next) * (theta1_dot * theta1_dot * L1 * (m1 + m2)
+ g * (m1 + m2) * Math.cos(theta1_next)
+ theta2_dot * theta2_dot * L2 * m2 * Math.cos(theta1_next - theta2_next)))
/ I2;
// Update the next positions using the implicit formula
theta1_next = theta1 + theta1_dot * dt + 0.5 * theta1_ddot_next * dt * dt;
theta2_next = theta2 + theta2_dot * dt + 0.5 * theta2_ddot_next * dt * dt;
// After convergence, update velocities using the new accelerations
double theta1_ddot_new = (-g * (2 * m1 + m2) * Math.sin(theta1_next)
- m2 * g * Math.sin(theta1_next - 2 * theta2_next)
- 2 * Math.sin(theta1_next - theta2_next) * m2 * (theta2_dot * theta2_dot * L2 + theta1_dot * theta1_dot * L1 * Math.cos(theta1_next - theta2_next)))
/ I1;
double theta2_ddot_new = (2 * Math.sin(theta1_next - theta2_next) * (theta1_dot * theta1_dot * L1 * (m1 + m2)
+ g * (m1 + m2) * Math.cos(theta1_next)
+ theta2_dot * theta2_dot * L2 * m2 * Math.cos(theta1_next - theta2_next)))
/ I2;
theta1_dot += 0.5 * (theta1_ddot + theta1_ddot_new) * dt;
theta2_dot += 0.5 * (theta2_ddot + theta2_ddot_new) * dt;
// Finally, update positions
theta1 = theta1_next;
theta2 = theta2_next;
// Velocity Verlet Integrator (symplectic)
void step_verlet(float dt)
// Compute the current accelerations using the equations of motion
double deltaTheta = theta1 - theta2;
// Bar acceleration
double theta1_ddot = (-g * (2 * m1 + m2) * Math.sin(theta1)
- m2 * g * Math.sin(theta1 - 2 * theta2)
- 2 * Math.sin(deltaTheta) * m2 * (theta2_dot * theta2_dot * L2 + theta1_dot * theta1_dot * L1 * Math.cos(deltaTheta)))
/ I1;
// Ring acceleration
double theta2_ddot = (2 * Math.sin(deltaTheta) * (theta1_dot * theta1_dot * L1 * (m1 + m2)
+ g * (m1 + m2) * Math.cos(theta1)
+ theta2_dot * theta2_dot * L2 * m2 * Math.cos(deltaTheta)))
/ I2;
// Update positions (angles) using the current velocities and accelerations
theta1 += theta1_dot * dt + 0.5 * theta1_ddot * dt * dt;
theta2 += theta2_dot * dt + 0.5 * theta2_ddot * dt * dt;
// Compute the new accelerations based on the updated positions
deltaTheta = theta1 - theta2;
double new_theta1_ddot = (-g * (2 * m1 + m2) * Math.sin(theta1)
- m2 * g * Math.sin(theta1 - 2 * theta2)
- 2 * Math.sin(deltaTheta) * m2 * (theta2_dot * theta2_dot * L2 + theta1_dot * theta1_dot * L1 * Math.cos(deltaTheta)))
/ I1;
double new_theta2_ddot = (2 * Math.sin(deltaTheta) * (theta1_dot * theta1_dot * L1 * (m1 + m2)
+ g * (m1 + m2) * Math.cos(theta1)
+ theta2_dot * theta2_dot * L2 * m2 * Math.cos(deltaTheta)))
/ I2;
// Update velocities using the average of the old and new accelerations
theta1_dot += 0.5 * (theta1_ddot + new_theta1_ddot) * dt;
theta2_dot += 0.5 * (theta2_ddot + new_theta2_ddot) * dt;
// Symplectic Euler Integrator
void step_euler(float dt)
// Compute the accelerations using the moments of inertia and equations of motion
double deltaTheta = theta1 - theta2;
// Bar acceleration (considering the inertia of the bar and gravity)
double theta1_ddot = (-g * (2 * m1 + m2) * Math.sin(theta1)
- m2 * g * Math.sin(theta1 - 2 * theta2)
- 2 * Math.sin(deltaTheta) * m2 * (theta2_dot * theta2_dot * L2 + theta1_dot * theta1_dot * L1 * Math.cos(deltaTheta)))
/ I1;
// Ring acceleration (considering the inertia of the ring and the swinging bar)
double theta2_ddot = (2 * Math.sin(deltaTheta) * (theta1_dot * theta1_dot * L1 * (m1 + m2)
+ g * (m1 + m2) * Math.cos(theta1)
+ theta2_dot * theta2_dot * L2 * m2 * Math.cos(deltaTheta)))
/ I2;
// Symplectic integration: update velocities first using the accelerations
theta1_dot += theta1_ddot * dt;
theta2_dot += theta2_ddot * dt;
// Then, update the positions (angles) using the updated velocities
theta1 += theta1_dot * dt;
theta2 += theta2_dot * dt;
void draw()
translate(x0, y0);
// Compute positions of the bar and ring
float x1 = scl*(2 * L1 / 3) * sin((float)theta1); // Position of the endpoint of the bar where the ring is attached
float y1 = -scl*(2 * L1 / 3) * cos((float)theta1);
float x2 = -scl*(L1 / 3) * sin((float)theta1); // Position of the pivot connecting the ring
float y2 = scl*(L1 / 3) * cos((float)theta1);
float x3 = x2 - scl*L2 * sin((float)theta2); // Position of the ring
float y3 = y2 + scl*L2 * cos((float)theta2);
// Draw the bar
line(x1, y1, x2, y2); // Line representing the bar from its pivot point to the ring pivot
// Draw the ring as a circle
ellipse(x3, y3, scl*L2 * 2, scl*L2 * 2); // Ring
// Draw the pivot points
ellipse(0, 0, scl*2, scl*2); // Fixed pivot point
ellipse(x2, y2, scl*2, scl*2); // Pivot where the ring connects
pendulum[] pendulums = new pendulum[num_rows*num_cols];
float ease(float p, float g) {
if (p < 0.5)
return 0.5 * pow(2*p, g);
return 1 - 0.5 * pow(2*(1 - p), g);
float thereandback(float p)
return constrain(p*(1-p)*4,0,1);
void settings()
if (recording)
size(2160, 2160);
size(800, 800, P2D);
void setup()
fac = width/800.0;
border = int(border * fac);
col_width = width/(num_cols+1);
row_height = height/(num_rows+1);
h_margin = width - col_width * num_cols/2;
v_margin = height - row_height * num_rows/2;
x_left = (h_margin - width);
y_top = (v_margin - height);
courier = createFont("Courier New",48*fac,true);
times = createFont("Times New Roman",24*fac,false);
float rho = 0.00125*TAU/(num_rows*num_cols);
for(int i=0; i<num_rows*num_cols; i++)
pendulums[i] = new pendulum();
pendulums[i].x0 = (i % num_rows)*col_width + col_width/2 + x_left;
pendulums[i].y0 = (i / num_rows)*row_height + row_height/2 + y_top;
pendulums[i].scl = 2*fac;
pendulums[i].theta1 = PI/2 + i*rho;
pendulums[i].theta2 = PI/2 + i*rho;
void draw()
t = (float)(frameCount-1)/total_frames;
translate(width / 2, height / 2); // Translate to center of screen
// step the model with oversampling
for(pendulum p: pendulums)
for(int i=0; i<oversampling; i++)
// texts
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text("@infinitymathart • 2024",0.0*width,0.40*height);
float t1 = thereandback( (text_t*t));
if (t1 >0)
text("These are ring and bar double pendulums.", 0.0*width, -0.4*height);
t1 = thereandback( (text_t*t-1) );
if (t1>0)
text("Although deterministic, they exhibit unpredictable behavior.", 0.0*width, -0.4*height);
t1 = thereandback( (text_t*t-2) );
if (t1>0)
text("These started with only a minute difference in position,", 0.0*width, -0.4*height);
t1 = thereandback( (text_t*t-3) );
if (t1>0)
text("and initially appear to be moving in perfect sync,", 0.0*width, -0.4*height);
t1 = thereandback( (text_t*t-4) );
if (t1>0)
text("but will soon diverge into mesmerizing chaos.", 0.0*width, -0.4*height);
t1 = thereandback( (text_t*t-5) );
if (t1>0)
text("Keep watching and prepare to be amazed!", 0.0*width, -0.4*height);
rect(0, 0, width, border);
rect(0, 0, border, height);
rect(0, height-border, width, border);
rect(width-border, 0, border, height);
if (recording)
if (frameCount == total_frames)
/* License:
* Copyright (c) 2024 Waldeck Schützer
* All rights reserved.
* This code after the template and the related animations are the property of the
* copyright holder. Any reproduction, distribution, or use of this material,
* in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the copyright
* holder is strictly prohibited.
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