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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Running Servlets with WEBrick
Request to <%= servlet_request.request_uri %>
Query params <%= servlet_request.query.inspect %>
require 'webrick'
include WEBrick
server = 8000)
# Add a mime type for *.rhtml files'rhtml', 'text/html')
# Required for CGI on Windows; unnecessary on Unix/Linux, HTTPServlet::CGIHandler::Ruby)
# Mount servlets
server.mount('/', HTTPServlet::FileHandler, '.')
# Trap signals so as to shutdown cleanly
['TERM', 'INT'].each do |signal|
trap(signal) { server.shutdown }
# Start the server and block on input
ruby -rwebrick -e 'WEBrick::Config::HTTP[:MimeTypes]["rhtml"] = "text/html"' -run -e httpd -- -p 8000 .
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