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Last active July 21, 2019 14:04
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function data(array $allowed = [])
$source = file_get_contents('');
$source = iconv('ISO-8859-9', 'UTF-8', $source);
preg_match('/<pre>(.*?)<\/pre>/s', $source, $match);
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $match[0]);
$lines = array_map(function($line) use ($allowed) {
$line = preg_replace(array('/\s{2,}/', '/[\t\n]/'), '_____', $line);
$cols = explode('_____', $line);
if (count($cols) >= 9)
$arr = [];
$keys = [
foreach ($cols as $key => $col)
if (@$allowed[$keys[$key]])
$arr[$keys[$key]] = $col;
return $arr;
}, $lines);
$lines = array_values(array_filter($lines));
$lines = array_values($lines);
return $lines;
$data = data([
'tarih' => true,
'enlem' => true,
'boylam' => true,
'derinlik' => true,
'md' => true,
'ml' => true,
'mw' => true,
'yer' => true,
'cozum_niteligi' => true,
'diger' => true
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