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Function to compute var-cov matrix of correlations (raw or r-to-z transformed)
rmat <- function(x, n, upper=TRUE, simplify=TRUE, rtoz=FALSE, data) {
if (inherits(x, "formula")) {
options(na.action = "na.pass")
if (missing(data))
stop("Must specify 'data' argument when 'x' is a formula.")
if (!
data <- data.frame(data)
dat <- get_all_vars(x, data=data)
if (ncol(dat) != 4)
stop("Incorrect number of variables specified in formula.")
id <- dat[,4]
dat <- split(dat, id)
res <- list()
for (i in 1:length(dat)) {
ri <- dat[[i]][[1]]
var1 <- as.character(dat[[i]][[2]])
var2 <- as.character(dat[[i]][[3]])
vars <- sort(unique(c(var1, var2)))
R <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(vars), ncol=length(vars))
diag(R) <- 1
rownames(R) <- colnames(R) <- vars
for (j in 1:length(var1)) {
R[var1[j],var2[j]] <- R[var2[j],var1[j]] <- ri[j]
res[[i]] <- R
return(rmat(res, n=n, simplify=TRUE, rtoz=rtoz))
### in case x is a list, need to loop through elements
if (is.list(x)) {
k <- length(x)
if (length(x) != length(n))
stop("Argument 'n' must be of the same length as there are elements in 'x'.")
res <- list()
for (i in 1:k) {
res[[i]] <- rmat(x[[i]], n[i], upper=upper, rtoz=rtoz)
if (simplify) {
ki <- sapply(res, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x$dat), 0, nrow(x$dat)))
dat <- cbind(id=rep(1:k, times=ki),, lapply(res, "[[", "dat")))
V <- bldiag(lapply(res[ki > 0], "[[", "V"))
rownames(V) <- colnames(V) <- unlist(lapply(res, function(x) rownames(x$V)))
return(list(dat=dat, V=V))
} else {
### check if x is square matrix
if (!is.matrix(x))
stop("Argument 'x' must be a matrix (or list thereof).")
if (dim(x)[1] != dim(x)[2])
stop("Argument 'x' must be a square matrix (or list thereof).")
### set default dimension names
dimsx <- nrow(x)
dnames <- paste0("x", 1:dimsx)
### in case x has dimension names, use those
if (!is.null(rownames(x)))
dnames <- rownames(x)
if (!is.null(colnames(x)))
dnames <- colnames(x)
### in case x is a 1x1 (or 0x0) matrix, return nothing
if (dimsx <= 1L)
return(list(dat=NULL, V=NULL))
### make x symmetric, depending on whether we use upper or lower part
if (upper) {
x[lower.tri(x)] <- t(x)[lower.tri(x)]
} else {
x[upper.tri(x)] <- t(x)[upper.tri(x)]
### check if x is symmetric (can be skipped since x must now be symmetric)
#if (!isSymmetric(x))
# stop("x must be a symmetric matrix.")
### stack upper/lower triangular part of x into a column vector (this is always done column-wise!)
if (upper) {
ri <- cbind(x[upper.tri(x)])
} else {
ri <- cbind(x[lower.tri(x)])
### apply r-to-z transformation if requested
if (rtoz)
ri <- 1/2 * log((1 + ri)/(1 - ri))
### I and J are matrices with 1:dimsx for rows and columns, respectively
I <- matrix(1:dimsx, nrow=dimsx, ncol=dimsx)
J <- matrix(1:dimsx, nrow=dimsx, ncol=dimsx, byrow=TRUE)
### get upper/lower triangular elements of I and J
if (upper) {
I <- I[upper.tri(I)]
J <- J[upper.tri(J)]
} else {
I <- I[lower.tri(I)]
J <- J[lower.tri(J)]
### dimensions in V (must be dimsx*(dimsx-1)/2)
dimsV <- length(ri)
### set up V matrix
V <- matrix(NA, nrow=dimsV, ncol=dimsV)
for (ro in 1:dimsV) {
for (co in 1:dimsV) {
i <- I[ro]
j <- J[ro]
k <- I[co]
l <- J[co]
### Olkin & Finn (1995), equation 5, page 157
V[ro,co] <- 1/2 * x[i,j]*x[k,l] * (x[i,k]^2 + x[i,l]^2 + x[j,k]^2 + x[j,l]^2) +
x[i,k]*x[j,l] + x[i,l]*x[j,k] -
(x[i,j]*x[i,k]*x[i,l] + x[j,i]*x[j,k]*x[j,l] + x[k,i]*x[k,j]*x[k,l] + x[l,i]*x[l,j]*x[l,k])
### Steiger (1980), equation 2, page 245 (provides the same result - checked)
#V[ro,co] <- 1/2 * ((x[i,k] - x[i,j]*x[j,k]) * (x[j,l] - x[j,k]*x[k,l]) +
# (x[i,l] - x[i,k]*x[k,l]) * (x[j,k] - x[j,i]*x[i,k]) +
# (x[i,k] - x[i,l]*x[l,k]) * (x[j,l] - x[j,i]*x[i,l]) +
# (x[i,l] - x[i,j]*x[j,l]) * (x[j,k] - x[j,l]*x[l,k]))
### Steiger (1980), equation 11, page 247 for r-to-z transformed values
if (rtoz)
V[ro,co] <- V[ro,co] / ((1 - x[i,j]^2) * (1 - x[k,l]^2))
### divide V by (n-1) for raw correlations and by (n-3) for r-to-z transformed correlations
if (rtoz) {
V <- V/(n-3)
} else {
V <- V/(n-1)
### create matrix with var1 and var2 names and sort rowwise
dmat <- cbind(dnames[I], dnames[J])
dmat <- t(apply(dmat, 1, sort))
### set row/column names for V
var1var2 <- paste0(dmat[,1], ".", dmat[,2])
rownames(V) <- colnames(V) <- var1var2
return(list(dat=data.frame(yi=ri, var1=dmat[,1], var2=dmat[,2], var1var2=var1var2, stringsAsFactors=FALSE), V=V))
if (F) {
### from Olkin & Finn (1990), Table 1, page 332
R2 <- matrix(c( 1, .179, .396, .080,
.179, 1, .088, -.042,
.396, .088, 1, .719,
.080, -.042, .719, 1), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
rownames(R2) <- colnames(R2) <- c("BMI", "PUL", "SBP", "DPB")
### from Olkin & Finn (1990), Table 2, page 333
R3 <- matrix(c( 1, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
.189, 1, NA, NA, NA, NA,
.462, -.103, 1, NA, NA, NA,
.024, .013, .305, 1, NA, NA,
.208, .143, .395, .149, 1, NA,
.023, .423, -.091, .098, .396, 1), nrow=6, ncol=6, byrow=TRUE)
rownames(R3) <- colnames(R3) <- c("C.BMI", "C.SBP", "S.BMI", "S.SBP", "M.BMI", "M.SBP")
res <- rmat(R2, 67) ### n=66, but formulas in article use 1/n, so set n=67
res$dat <- res$dat[c(1,2,4),]
res$V <- round(res$V[c(1,2,4),c(1,2,4)] * 1000, 3)
res ### some slight discrepancies (probably due to correlations being rounded in Table 1)
res <- rmat(R3, 67, upper=FALSE) ### n=66, but formulas in article use 1/n, so set n=67
res$dat <- res$dat[c(1,10,15),]
res$V <- round(res$V[c(1,10,15),c(1,10,15)] * 1000, 3)
### test that passing long format data via formula works
dat <- rmat(list(R2,R2), c(20,30))$dat
rmat(yi ~ var1 + var2 | id, n=c(20,30), data=dat)
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