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Last active June 24, 2021 04:16
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import os
import linecache
import pprint
import sys
from functools import wraps
class IncludeExclude(object):
def __init__(self, inclusions=None, exclusions=None):
self._inclusions = inclusions
self._exclusions = exclusions
def filter(self, lst):
# TODO performance? better design?
unlist = d = None
is_dict = isinstance(lst, dict)
if is_dict:
d = lst.copy()
lst = lst.keys()
elif not isinstance(lst, (list, tuple)):
lst = [lst]
unlist = True
if self._inclusions:
lst = filter(lambda x: x in self._inclusions, lst)
if self._exclusions:
lst = filter(lambda x: x not in self._exclusions, lst)
if is_dict:
lst = {k: d[k] for k in lst}
elif unlist:
lst = lst[0] if lst else None
return lst
class Tracer(object):
def __init__(self, file=None, func=None,
locals_ie=None, globals_ie=None):
self._stream = sys.stdout
self._filename = None
self._funcname = None
assert (
file is None or
isinstance(file, IncludeExclude)
), file
assert (
func is None or
isinstance(func, IncludeExclude)
), func
self._file = file
self._func = func
assert (
locals_ie is None or
isinstance(locals_ie, IncludeExclude)
), locals_ie
assert (
globals_ie is None or
isinstance(globals_ie, IncludeExclude)
), globals_ie
self._locals_ie = locals_ie
self._globals_ie = globals_ie
def locals(self, frame):
# typically filter frame.f_locals
# and maybe choose how to do that based on frame contents
# such as file name, function name, line number
return ([] if self._locals_ie is None
else self._locals_ie.filter(frame.f_locals))
def globals(self, frame):
# typically filter frame.f_globals
return ([] if self._globals_ie is None
else self._globals_ie.filter(frame.f_globals))
def qual(self, filename, funcname):
return (
True if self._file is None
else self._file.filter(filename)
) and (
True if self._func is None
else self._func.filter(funcname)
def show_vars(self, legend, vars):
indent = 6 * " "
if vars:
assert isinstance(vars, dict), vars
print >> self._stream, indent + legend
print >> self._stream, '\n'.join(
[indent + x
for x in pprint.pformat(vars).split('\n')]
def trace_lines(self, frame, event, arg):
if (
event == 'line' and
self.show_vars('LOCALS', self.locals(frame))
self.show_vars('GLOBALS', self.globals(frame))
co = frame.f_code
fname = co.co_filename
line_no = frame.f_lineno
print >> self._stream, '{0}:{1} {2}'.format(
linecache.getline(fname, line_no).rstrip()
return self.trace_lines
def __call__(self, f):
self._filename = os.path.realpath(f.func_code.co_filename)
self._funcname = f.func_name
def inner(*args, **kw):
orig = sys.gettrace()
lambda frame, event, arg:
self.trace_lines if event == 'call' else None
return f(*args, **kw)
return inner
class ShowLocals(Tracer):
def locals(self, frame):
return frame.f_locals
class _Locals(Tracer):
def locals(self, frame):
L = frame.f_locals
return {k: v for k, v in frame.f_locals.items()
if k in self._locals.filter()}
class OnlyTheseLocals(Tracer):
def __init__(self, varnames):
Tracer.__init__(self, locals_ie=IncludeExclude(inclusions=varnames))
class ExcludeTheseLocals(Tracer):
def __init__(self, varnames):
Tracer.__init__(self, locals_ie=IncludeExclude(exclusions=varnames))
class OnlyThisFile(Tracer):
def qual(self, filename, funcname):
return os.path.realpath(filename) == self._filename
class OnlyThisFunction(Tracer):
def qual(self, filename, funcname):
return funcname == self._funcname
if __name__ == '__main__':
def locals_qualifier(filename, funcname, vars):
if os.path.realpath(__file__) == os.path.realpath(filename):
return {k: v for k, v in vars.items()
if k != 'a'}
return False
class OnlyThisFunctionAndTheseLocals(OnlyThisFunction,
def __init__(self):
OnlyTheseLocals.__init__(self, ['a'])
def subroutine(x, y):
print 'sum of args is', x + y
return x + y
def main():
a = 1
b = 2
a += 4
q = subroutine(a, b)
c = 3
print 'x', a + b + c
for D in [
# these are all function decorators
foo = D(main)
print (20 * '=') + ' ' + D.__class__.__name__
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