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Last active October 20, 2018 09:23
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CMD [-D | --debug] (-T | --test)
CMD [-D | --debug] [-m | --mm] [-n <NAME> | --name <NAME>] (-f | --file) <FILENAME>
This script is used to create OpenSCAD modules from the HPGL files generated by
the Matthias Wandel's very beautiful Gear Template Generator, at
Having created a gear file (typically with a ".plt" extension) you can pipe the
standard output of this script to a ".scad" file and do something like this.
$ ./ -f woodgears/gear.plt > foo.scad
$ cat > bar.scad
use <foo.scad>;
translate([3,0,0]) {
$ /Applications/ bar.scad
import docopt
import logging
import pprint
import sys
logger = logging.getLogger('hpgl2openscad')
class HpglInterpreter(object):
def __init__(self):
self.paths = []
self._use_inches = True
def read(self, inf, scale=1.0):
scale /= 40.0 # HPGL dots per millimeter
if self._use_inches:
scale /= 25.4
active = False
p = []
while True:
line = inf.readline()
# logger.debug(line.strip())
if not line:
line = line.strip()
if line == 'SP1;':
active = True
elif line.startswith('SP'):
active = False
elif active and line.startswith('PU '):
p = []
fields = line.replace('a', 'A')[3:-1].split(',')
x, y = map(int, fields[:2])
mt = self.create_move_to(scale * x, scale * y)
elif active and line.startswith('PD '):
fields = line.replace('a', 'A')[3:-1].split(',')
x, y = map(int, fields[:2])
lt = self.create_line_to(scale * x, scale * y)
if len(p) > 0:
def units(self):
return self._use_inches and 'inches' or 'mm'
def add_path(self, p):
logger.debug('add_path:' + repr(p))
def create_move_to(self, x, y):
# logger.debug('create_move_to:{0}:{1}'.format(x, y))
return ('moveTo', x, y)
def create_line_to(self, x, y):
# logger.debug('create_line_to:{0}:{1}'.format(x, y))
return ('lineTo', x, y)
class OpenSCADPolygon(HpglInterpreter):
def __init__(self, name='Gear'):
super(OpenSCADPolygon, self).__init__() = name
def add_path(self, p):
p = p[1:]
if p:
def create_move_to(self, x, y):
# OpenSCAD polygons use closed paths and do not repeat the beginning
# and ending point as HPGL does, so return a None which will later be
# removed.
return None
def create_line_to(self, x, y):
# logger.debug('create_line_to:{0}:{1}'.format(x, y))
return [x, y]
def __repr__(self):
all_points = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, self.paths)
sum_of_points = reduce(lambda p1, p2: (p1[0] + p2[0], p1[1] + p2[1]), all_points)
center = (sum_of_points[0] / len(all_points), sum_of_points[1] / len(all_points))
all_points = map(
lambda p, center=center: [p[0] - center[0], p[1] - center[1]],
indices = []
n = 0
for path in self.paths:
N = n + len(path)
indices.append(range(n, N))
n = N
#a, b = pprint.pformat(all_points), pprint.pformat(indices)
a, b = repr(all_points), repr(indices)
return """module {0}() {1} linear_extrude(height=1, center=true)
polygon(points={2}, paths={3});{4}""".format(, "{", a, b, "}"
) + """\n{0}();\n""".format(
def main():
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
args = docopt.docopt(__doc__.replace('CMD', sys.argv[0]))
if args['-D'] or args['--debug']:
if args['-T'] or args['--test']:
import doctest
# verbose=True can be useful
failure_count, test_count = \
if args['-n'] or args['--name']:
name = args['<NAME>']
name = 'Gear'
if args['-f'] or args['--file']:
inf = open(args['<FILENAME>'])
inf = sys.stdin
interp = OpenSCADPolygon(name)
if args['-m'] or args['--mm']:
interp._use_inches = False
print interp
if __name__ == '__main__':

Fun hacks with OpenSCAD

Hack the First

Use OpenSCAD to take a slice from a 3D object and convert it to a 2D DXF file, suitable for laser cutting.

Given a file foo.scad like this:

module example002()
        intersection() {
                difference() {
                        union() {
                                cube([30, 30, 30], center = true);
                                translate([0, 0, -25])
                                        cube([15, 15, 50], center = true);
                        union() {
                                cube([50, 10, 10], center = true);
                                cube([10, 50, 10], center = true);
                                cube([10, 10, 50], center = true);
                translate([0, 0, 5])
                        cylinder(h = 50, r1 = 20, r2 = 5, center = true);

projection(cut = true) example002();

you want to use the command line like this:

/Applications/ -o foo.dxf foo.scad

It might also be possible to use a DXF file as a layer for 3D printing, if I can display it on a DLP projector, maybe using this Python script.

Hack the Second

Use to take a gear generated by Matthias Wandel's Gear Template Generator and extrude it into an OpenSCAD part.

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