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Last active January 9, 2021 13:29
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Mute Twitter accounts sending promotions
// This is neither elegant nor robust,
// but it _does_ mute everyone sending
// promoted tweets to my timeline.
// It works by installing a debounced
// scroll listener which checks for promoted tweets
// and mutes their sender by clicking the resp.
// tweet context menu action.
var xPathEvaluator = $x
function debounce(func, wait = 100) {
let timeout;
return function (...args) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
func.apply(this, args);
}, wait);
mutePromoters = () => {
.forEach(promotedTweetMenuActivator => {;
setTimeout(() => {
let muteButton = xPathEvaluator('//*[@role="menuitem"]//span[starts-with(text(),"Mute")]')[0];
}, 250)
debouncedMutePromoters = debounce(mutePromoters, 1000)
document.addEventListener('scroll', debouncedMutePromoters)
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wwerner commented Jan 9, 2021

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