本教程平台为 macOS, 其他系统请酌情参考
申请解锁: 解锁小米手机
module demo/mysqlperf | |
go 1.20 | |
require github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.7.1 |
-- Copy&Modified from: http://bezhermoso.github.io/2016/01/20/making-perfect-ramen-lua-os-x-automation-with-hammerspoon/ | |
--One hotkey should just suffice for dual-display setups as it will naturally | |
--cycle through both. | |
--A second hotkey to reverse the direction of the focus-shift would be handy | |
--for setups with 3 or more displays. | |
--Bring focus to next display/screen | |
local application = require "hs.application" | |
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "`", function () |
[12:51:22/29] start | |
[12:51:22/29] running HOOK_FETCH_FEED handlers... | |
[12:51:22/29] feed data has not been modified by a plugin. | |
[12:51:22/29] local cache will not be used for this feed | |
[12:51:22/29] last unconditional update request: 2020-05-24 12:44:14 | |
[12:51:22/29] stored last modified for conditional request: | |
[12:51:22/29] fetching [.../] (force_refetch: )... | |
[12:51:23/29] fetch done. | |
[12:51:23/29] source last modified: | |
[12:51:23/29] saving cache/feeds/faf6fdb889044c0c5c4b120e9e74220319fa1540.xml |
[Unit] | |
Description=Clash service | |
After=network.target | |
[Service] | |
[Service] | |
Type=simple | |
StandardError=journal | |
User=clash |
本教程平台为 macOS, 其他系统请酌情参考
申请解锁: 解锁小米手机
'use strict'; | |
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); | |
const devices = require('puppeteer/DeviceDescriptors'); | |
const [url, title] = process.argv.slice(-2,); | |
console.log('loading', title, url); | |
(async() => { |
含义参考了: 对应的 manpage, kernel doc。